Chapter 21: Treasure

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A couple of days went by, everyday being the same as the last. I got pretty bored which was why not being able to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night by the urge to drink some water was not welcome.

Out of nowhere in particular, I decided to make some origami, but thought against it because I wasn't bothered to get out of the warm bed to search for some paper. Later, however, after the sun had risen into the sky, everyone was going about their day and I had nothing to do, that seemed like the most perfect idea.

No paper was to be found in the room I was staying in so I snuck out and made my way to David's study. He had a meeting that day and Pierre and King had to accompany him. Steve stayed back to supposedly 'watch over me' so I used his attention being on the TV to my advantage. Quietly, I crept past him and into David's study.

It felt cold in David's study: it looked like a study inside a large metal container. Directly in front of me was a desk with a large leather chair sat behind a desk. Behind them stood some shelves holding out things for their master whilst two metal filing cabinets stood guarding the room on each side of the wall like bodyguards. A leather couch lounged against the wall to the right, watching the whiteboard and cork board with key dates and notices on them opposite it as if they were a television.

I walked around the room when I heard a noise coming from outside the study. Swiftly, I made my way to the door and pressed my ear up against it. There it was again. My heart raced and my breathing quickened. I couldn't make out what it was so I opened the door a crack and peeked through. Nothing looked different to earlier... except that I couldn't see Steve's head.

I tiptoed out of the room to where I last saw him slumped on the couch watching TV. Instead, he was fast asleep in the same spot I left him. The sound I heard was actually his snoring.

Stepping back first, I breathed a sigh of relief and returned to David's study. There was nothing on the desk and nothing on the boards were interesting - they were all passed dates, notes and reminders for his last project. The files and folders on the shelves and the metal filing cabinets were all to do with finances and designs for the last clothing line. Some of the folders were even empty and some were to do with money he was earning from somewhere other than his business. I couldn't tell where the income was coming from, but it was big money.

Then, I noticed two drawers underneath the desk. They were both parts of the desk and were locked. Using my hijab pin, I tried to open them. I have no idea how they do it in movies because picking a lock with a pin must be one of the hardest things to do in this world.

I remembered seeing stationary in the bottom drawer of the metal filing cabinets and grabbed a paperclip from there. Surely picking a lock with a paperclip was easier than with a hijab pin? I guess so, considering that I had more luck with it. The top drawer was empty, but the bottom drawer wasn't.

Inside the bottom drawer was a passport and a file. I carefully opened the file and saw that it had my personal details in it. This wasn't just a file about me, it was an entire background check printed out!

I scanned through the file trying to find any clues as to why I was here. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any clues so I turned to the passport, grabbing it out of the drawer and opening it to the page that has the owner's details. My eyes widened in shock and a wave of different emotions washed over me.

It was my passport!

I could finally get home.

I've always known that passports were important, but today, I learnt how important. A lesson I wouldn't easily forget.

I returned everything to its place and snuck out of the office, taking my passport with me. I hid the passport in the bedroom I was staying in and vowed that I will not lose it. Finally, I can go home, whether these lot liked it or not.

There was a wide smile on my face and I had to try hard to cover it up with the facade I've been using the whole time. It took me a few hours to practice my facade using every mirror in the room. My day couldn't have been any better, until David made it even better when he returned with some spectacular news...

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A nice short chapter for today, but a really important one this is.

Hope you all enjoyed it, please vote comment and share, it would mean a lot.

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