"Thank you for my surgery,"

"You're welcome,"

The door swung open and dad entered, his eyes full of worry but a smile on his face. He cupped my cheeks and then kissed my forehead and hugged me, the scrubs he had changed into pressing onto me.

"Hiya darling. How are you doing?"

"I want you,"


"I want you,"

"Well I am right here,"

"I want you," I said, feeling myself tear up, "I don't know why I am crying so don't ask,"

"It's the medicine,"


He hushed me and wiped my tears, repeatedly stroking my hair away from my forehead as I tried to stop crying. Not only was it embarrassing, it also hurt.

His hands were really gentle, and I realised it didn't matter how old I got, my dad would always comfort me.

"Gabi did great in the surgery. There was a bit more bleeding than we wanted, but we gave her a blood transplant so I will be monitoring her closely,"

"You hear that? You did great,"

"I don't feel great,"

"I bet,"

"Why are you in scrubs?"

"My clothes got mucky," he said.


"Have you asked Sierra any questions you have?"

"I told her I don't hate her,"

"Well that's good,"

"She doesn't hate me either," I said quietly.

"Maybe when you're feeling better we could do a pizza night together,"

"Once these tubes are out,"

"Yeah. Does she have a catheter?"

"Yep, she is on bed rest until at least tomorrow. You can put the pressure socks on her now,"

"Shall we put socks on, Gabi?"


Dad put them on, then tucked me in the duvet and put the tv on for me, Sierra dismissing herself for a page.

I wished he could lay with me, but he couldn't, so he held my hand. However, I was sleepy anyway, so I closed my eyes and nuzzled into his arm as best as I could, before falling back to sleep in hopes to feel a little bit better when I woke up.


I did feel better. I was warmer, less groggy and dizzy, and the painkillers had kicked in.

When I woke up, dad immediately sat up straight and left Michael, who was by his side, to come to my side instead.

"Did you have a nice nap?"



"Your hair is messy,"

"I'm not thinking much about that right now,"

"It's cos your uncle Ash took him to smash some plates," Michael said.

"No way, he took me there once,"

"He did?"

"I miss him,"

"You can see him soon," dad laughed, placing a small kiss on the top of my head.

"Okay. I need the toilet,"

"You have a catheter,"

"Well obviously I don't need to pee,"

"Oh... yeah. I will get Calum to come and make sure we move you properly,"

"Or is she using a bed pan?" Michael said.

"I better not be using a bed pan,"

"Hospital life isn't so glamorous,"

"I think I gathered that," I said, gesturing to all the tubes out of me, "Can he come fast?"

Michael paged him, and he got here within a couple of minutes, cautiously slipping into the room. It was about 7pm, so he would be getting off any moment.

"Hello you! I heard the surgery went really well, how do you feel?"

"Don't wanna answer questions, just wanna poop,"

"So you're feeling okay,"

"Can I go to the bathroom now?"

"You're gonna wanna use a bedpan,"

"Funnily enough, I do not,"

He raised his eyebrows and shook his head, grabbing the wheelchair in the corner of the room.

"You're gonna need help getting from the chair to the toilet,"

"I'll be fine,"

He lowered the bed and got dad to come and help, both of them beginning to slide me off the bed.

I let out a groan and they stopped, but I took a deep breath and sat myself in the chair. He took me to the bathroom and helped me stand, then I shooed him out and used the toilet.

I managed to wash my hands, then he helped me back to my room and I got back into bed, squeezing my eyes shut.

"That hurt you, didn't it?"

"I'm gonna be sick,"

"Deep breaths,"

"I'm gonna,"

He passed me a sick bowl and I threw up, then he wiped my mouth and got me to lay down, sanitising his hands.

"I'm gonna give you a shot of painkillers and then get you some food now that you can take it,"

"Not hungry,"

"You're not?"


"Okay. We can wait, I just thought you might be,"

He wiped my arm and gave me the shot, then wrote it on my chart and took my vitals.

"I am gonna go and clock out, then change and come down,"


"Has Sierra gone home?"

"She did," dad said, returning to my side to help me lay properly, "She went and took Maddox out for a drink and went home,"

"She took Maddox out?"


"She is very invested in my life already,"

"I think she's just trying to help as best as she can,"

"Maddox and I are only a new couple,"

"Maddox kept calling and calling you, so I picked up and she was in tears because she was so scared. Sierra went to explain it all. That's it. I can ask her to slow down if it is too much, but you seem to be getting on,"

"I do like her, but I've known her like 3 days. Next you're gonna tell me she's moving in,"


"She's not moving in. Not yet,"

"Not yet,"


"I don't think anyone knows what to do or where they stand," Michael pitched in, "That's how it seems from the outside at least,"

"Yeah, we can take it as it comes,"

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore,"

"Yeah, okay sweetheart, let's just focus on getting you better. That's the main thing,"

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