It was still pretty early, but of course, Hermione always liked being early. So they got into their floo, and made their way to the n/a-Black Estate. "I told you we should've waited for a few more minutes."

"Stop it, Ron." Hermione looked at her husband. "They're bloody adults but they still act like they're still kids."

Hermione then felt a tugging on her shirt. "Mum, we're going to go play with the Potters!!"

Hermione nodded her head, smiling. "Alright, have fun!!"

As their two children ran towards the other three, Hermione and Ron walked towards the modern lounge, taking a seat beside a laughing Ginny. "Hey Ginny."

"Oh, 'Mione! Ron! You're here!" Said Potter exclaimed, hugging them. Athena and Harry froze in their tracks. Athena grinned, running towards them.

"Minister! Ronald!!" Athena then threw herself onto them, engulfing them into a bear hug. The two who were previously standing, fell back, now sitting down with Athena hugging them both. Athena then got up, a large smile on her face. "Oh goodie! How are you both! I've missed you guys lots!"

"Athena, we see each other everyday." Hermione smiled at the girl. "We work at the same place."

Athena pursed her lips. "Yeahhhh, but all we do is work! Work is boring! We don't get to have fun together."

"How are you an adult?" Ron stared at her bewildered yet amused. "How old are you now, thirty-nine? and you act as if we're teenagers."

"She looks like one too..." Hermione mumbled.

Ron snapped his head at his wife.

Hermione shrugged at him. "What? I can't say that she still looks hot? Especially at her age?"

"Yes! That's the second husband today that I got a reaction from because I turned their wives gay!!" Athena yelled, grabbing a strawberry, flopping onto the couch across from the others, and popping the strawberry into her mouth.

"Who's the first husband?" Hermione asked, brows furrowing.

She nodded her head towards Harry, who did his usual hand shake with Ron, hugged Hermione, then sat down beside Ginny, arm around her shoulder. "Mr Grumpy-Pants over there."

"Is that why he was running after you and making that constipated, angered chipmunk look?" Ron asked, not fazed by his last choice of words.

"I looked like that?" Harry asked himself.

"It's because you're growing old dear." Ginny told him, pecking him on the cheek.

Athena laughed. "No, it's because he lost a bet to me. With a lot of money as well."

Hermione sighed. "Harry, you do know that you winning bets against Athena happens once in a blue moon? Just because the current head of your department was going to retire earlier than Jericho, doesn't mean that you'll get the Head position first."

"Yeah! Besides. I was already Second-In-Command before you! The only reason why I haven't been Head is because I respect Jericho as my boss!" Athena stated, a lazy smirk on her face.

"Shut your trap, Fi." Harry grumbled, snuggling his head into Ginny's shoulder. "I don't need this rudeness from you today."

"Fine, you'll get it tomorrow then~"

"Didn't you say this was some sort of surprise party, Fi? I don't see anything that screams party, nor surprise right now." Ron pointed out, Athena stopping and just blinking.

He was right. Their modern estate looked the exact same, staying in it's pristine and rich looking state. The lounge area was normal, the usual white couches facing the advanced fireplace, the glass wall that showed the pool outside beside them.

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