"Anyone see an ugly brown van out there!?" She heard Steve ask through the ear piece.

"Yes! But you're not going to like where it's parked." Valyrie's voice answered.

"Scott, how long do you think you can get that thing started?" Tony asked.

"Uh, maybe ten minutes." Scott answered.

"Well get it started, we'll get the stones to you." Steve told him.

Athena's eyes scanned around the place, looking for whoever may have the stones right now. However, her eyes then landed to the sky, looking directly at the large aircraft above the place.

"That's going to be a problem soon..." Athena muttered, looking at the canon barrels it had. "Dad, I'm going to go and get rid of that ship. Stay safe."

"You too! Be careful!" Sirius shouted, Athena sending him a smile.

Her hands then glowed red, the girl floating up towards the giant vehicle in the air. She stood in front of it for a while, thinking of the best option for it to go. Then, her feet began to glow red as well, balancing herself on them. Athena's red hands began to motion up, lifting them as they manipulated the pulsors.

The energy-canon began to crush themselves, a red aura engulfing it. Though, before she could continue destroying all of them, it began to fire back, causing her to crash towards the ground.

"Jericho!" She yelled, getting back up. "Create force fields over our side! Make it so that the energy blasts go back up!"

"On it!" She heard the man reply. She then saw light blue force fields appearing, shielding the people on their side.

Then, it suddenly stopped. The machines changed direction, now firing at the clouds before them. Athena's eyes glowed a yellow or gold colour, her own vision seeming to zoom in at whatever the machine was firing at.

"Black. What are they firing at?" She heard Jericho ask.

"Something just entered the upper atmosphere." She answered, her head still looking towards that direction. She then saw a ball of fire directing itself towards the gigantic aircraft, going through it. The machinery then powered down, as multiple explosions occurred within the ship.

A smirk grew on Athena's face, being able to recognise the person doing the damage. "Hell yeah! Alright, everyone, keep fighting! Danver's on our side!"

Athena then ran across the war field, jumping and killing off any enemies that cross her path. She made it to her destination in time, standing next to Captain Marvel as she heard what Peter had asked.

"Don't worry, Pete." Athena smirked, her gloved hands glowing blue. "She's got help."

As if on cue, multiple other women began to show up, standing guard in front and behind them. Carol looked at Athena, a smirk on her face. "I take it your the one who destroyed the firearms of the ship beforehand?"

Athena nodded at her. "'Course it was. Why? You proud?"

Danvers scoffed, a smirk on her face. "'Course not. Simply applauding you of your work. Good job."

Athena grinned at her teasingly. "You act like your so much older than me, when in reality, it's only a few years."

The woman rolled her eyes, smiling before walking forward. "Stop getting distracted and get back to work."

"Yes ma'am!" She saluted playfully. "Argh, she's so hot. I love not being straight." She then walked towards Peter, patting him on the back. "Hey kid, nice job!"

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