S1 Chapter 2: Sonic and Y/n to the Rescue

Start from the beginning

Chris: Okay, Dad, I promise. See you soon.

He hung up the phone and Sonic shook his head in boredom.

Chris: I almost forgot, you two must be pretty hungry. I was thinking you two might like something to eat.

Y/n: I guess I could eat.

Sonic: Me too. What's on the menu?

Chris: I checked out hedgehogs on the internet and found the perfect thing.

He held out a bowl of some kind of food and as both Sonic and Y/n took a piece and ate it they didn't like it.

Sonic: Ugh, what is this?

Chris: Cat food.

Sonic: Ugh, no wonder. It tastes like there's cat in it.

Chris: The Web site I went to said most hedgehogs love cat food. I guess that doesn't go for all hedgehogs. I can get you both a bowl of crickets.

Y/n smacked the bowl out of Chris's hand.

Y/n: There is no way I'm going to eat any of that.

Sonic jumped.

Chris: No! Please don't run away.

Sonic: Sorry, kid, but crickets don't do it for me.

Chris: I'll get whatever you want, but just don't go!

Sonic: Ha, See ya.

He jumped off again.

Chris: Come back! Sonic! You could get hurt out there!

Y/n started to walk away.

Chris: Y/n, wait! I'll get you any type of food you want, just please stay.

Y/n stopped and thought for a moment.

Y/n: You got any fruit?

Chris smiled.

Y/n, Sonic, and Chris were sitting on a couch while watching the news on Chris's TV and Y/n was eating a bowl of fruit and the news talk about two certain Hedgehogs.

Y/n: Calling me a freak? They chased me for no reason.

Sonic: Yeah, but it was fun to see them try to catch us.

Y/n: (sigh) What are you even doing here? I thought you went to go get a life or something.

Sonic: Hey, I couldn't just leave my two new friends hanging.

Y/n: All right, let's just get one thing cleared up now. You and I are not friends.

He pushed the bowl to Sonic.

Y/n: If you're hungry there's a few good fruits in there.

Sonic: So, I'm not your friend, but you'll spare me a few of your fruits?

Y/n: There's a lot in there and I don't like it when things go to waste. You can have one too, Christopher.

Sonic and Chris each took a fruit and an old man wearing a lab coat over a green sweater opened the door and walked over to Chris with a huge smile on his face.

Old man: There you are. Guess what? Two big, blue hedgehogs came out of nowhere and outran the S team yesterday. (frown) Although, one of them didn't make it.

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