33. What Could Have Been

Start from the beginning

Picking Sung-Jae back up, who quickly burrowed back into Yoona's shoulder, Yoona heard Jung-Hoon on the stairs, practically running out of the room to meet him on the stairs with the two bags; "Oh, your ready. Good... Good."

"Of course." Yoona chose, right then, to play along, giving enough time that she was able to get Sung-Jae to safety.

"I didn't want to have to force you to come. Though I did bring this, just in case." Jung-Hoon laughed, as if the gun he was holding wasn't threatening Sung-Jae and Yoona right now. "I can never tell with you... it might be what draws me to you, how unpredictable you are."

Yoona forced a small laugh, one hand holding Sung-Jae up, the other protectively sprawled on his back, the mouse hybrid was cuddled up as close to her as he could get. Jung-Hoon reached out to take the bags, Yoona handing them to him without him touching Sung-Jae again, before following Yoona down the stairs now, seeing more bags sitting by the door that he stopped for a moment to grab. Yoona's eyes drifted around her sanctuary, it was too quiet, no one was around to see her right now, no one to see something wrong. Not even Mrs. Astor and Areum, who normally sat on the porch now with tea, waiting for their husbands to come back for lunch.

Yoona saw a car she recognized, the same one that she had driven when she had founded Jungkook more than 18 months ago, a lifetime ago. The large black SUV had recently been added with baby seats, and Jung-Hoon seemed to know that, he seemed to know where to find the keys as well. Yoona watched as Jung-Hoon opened the back door, placing the bags on the seat and then allowing Yoona to set Sung-Jae comfortably. He allowed her a lingering moment before, almost forcefully, helping Yoona into the passenger seat, making sure her door was secure before making his way around to the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" Yoona chanced a question, seeing the gun in Jung-Hoon's hand still, a constant threat to not anger Jung-Hoon.

"Um..." Jung-Hoon started to drive down the long driveway, Yoona taking a look back, just as Jungkook came into view, his familiar ears tall on his head, Jimin and Taehyung laughing with him. "I was thinking we could head towards the city. I've always thought you'd enjoy a life on the beach then out here."

The shock Yoona felt didn't bubble to the surface, instead she forced a smile as the distance between her and Jungkook continued to grow more and more and more; "You thought right."

"I know." Jung-Hoon reached across the car, taking one of Yoona's hands into his, intertwining their hands together as Jung-Hoon smiled in happiness. "I only want the best for you."

Yoona could only watch, as Jin's car pulled in next to theirs as they got to the end of the driveway, only a second could she allow Jin to register that Yoona was currently driving away from the sanctuary. Then, Jung-Hoon pulled out onto the road and sped into the city, leaving behind any home Yoona had built, leaving behind Jungkook and all of her family. Yoona chanced another look back, though hiding it as if she were checking that Sung-Jae was alright, comfortable, seeing Jin get closer to the house as she got further away.

"Where we're going, we'll be happy. We'll be able to be in love without anyone in the way." Jung-Hoon squeeze Yoona's hand, as if to comfort her, only it alerted her that they were getting further and further away from where she truly wanted to be. "Just me and you and our children."


Jungkook laugh loudly, hanging off the back of Jimin as they joked around, Taehyung walking backwards in front of them. They had heard his grandfather call after them, though now they were far enough in front of the small group behind them they could see into Jungkook's house. He was hoping to catch a glimpse of Yoona in the window in the kitchen, but it seemed she was somewhere else, probably with Sung-Jae. Even as he slide off Jimin's back, rounding to walk beside the fox hybrid, Jungkook couldn't hid the smile that was permanently on his lips, and had been for months now.

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