Chapter 59

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Makayla's POV:

After all these weeks I'm finally seeing Liam again. I feel so selfish, all this time I've been so concerned about me that I haven't even thought about the twins.

"Liam" I chocked out with a scratchy voice. I felt the tears fall from my eyes as I tried to get up.
Woh woh, slow down" he said coming over to my side.

"Liam" I said again. Tears started falling from my eyes. "Hey baby" he whispered as he pulled me into a hug. "L...Liam, oh my god. was so sc...ary. I...i saw..."

"Shhh, shhh. It's ok baby. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere" he shushed me. He let me just sob into his chest while he rocked me back and forth, whispering soothing words into my ear.

Liam's POV:

I know I shouldn't do what I'm about to do. Archer gave very clear instructions to give makayla space, and after her reaction to Ethan and Bryson I think everyone has been pretty apprehensive.

I haven't seen Makayla since the day I let her get kidnapped. I know after everything that she has seen and been through, there is no way she's going to be the same.

I just need to see her with my own two eyes. I need to hold her in my arms again. I take in a deep breath and knock on the door. I peak my head into the room to find Makayla looking right at me.

There she is, laying on her bed connected to a ton of wires. She looked a lot like the first time I saw her, pale and fragile. Her eyes looked hollow and scared.

Seeing her like this broke my heart all over again. I wanted to just run over and hold her in my arms, but I know that I need to take things slow.

"Hey Makayla, glad to see your awake" I greeted with a soft smile. I stepped all to way into the her room, shutting the door behind me so that I don't have to worry about someone walking in.

"Liam!" She choked out, tears In her eyes. Her voice sounded scratchy, as if she hadn't used it in a long time.

I saw Makayla try to stand up from her bed. "Woh woh, slow down" I say it rushing over to her. I don't need her standing up and ripping he wires out.

"Liam" she whispers, so quite I almost miss it. "Hey baby" I whispered as pulled her into a hug. I couldn't take it anymore I needed to hold her in my arms.

She was so skinny. I could feel her bones as I held her in my arms. "L...Liam, oh my god. was so sc...ary. I...i saw..." she rambled through sobs.

"Shhh, shhh. It's ok baby. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere" I tried to sooth her.

I switched around our position so that my back was resting on the headboard and Makayla was resting comfortably in my lap.

I rocked her back and forth while whispering soothing words into her ear. She sobbed into my chest for a long time. Eventually her sobs slowed and turned into hiccups.

"Your ok, your safe now" I whispered as I stroked her hair. She pulled her head out of my chest and looked up at me.

"Your ok" she breathed out.

"I'm ok" I agreed.

"What about Luke" she asked starting to get frantic again.

"Luke is ok. All of us are ok. We're all safe" I comforted. She nodded her head and looked down at her lap.

"What's wrong" I asked, worried that she might not be feeling well. The only response that she gave me was a shrug of my shoulders.

"Makayla" I said tilting her head up to look at me. Please tell me what's wrong. Let me help you" I pleaded.

"Liam, they killed people. They killed so many people" she said with a tariffed look in her eyes. It hurts so much to know that she's so scared of her own brothers.

"They killed so many people and I should hate them, but I can't. Im scared but I just can't hate them" she confessed.

I opened my mouth to they and make her feel better, but then I herd a knock on the door. I turned to see Archer walking into the room.

I could feel Makayla tense up and sink further into my grasp. "I think it's time that I finally explain everything to you"

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