Chapter 56

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Merry Christmas everyone!!!! And happy holidays. I hope you all have an amazing day and that you enjoy the chapter. Love y'all<3

Archer's POV:

I dragged Dylan out of the van. As the door closed Dylan froze. He just stared at the door unmoving.

"Come on Dylan we need to take care of your leg" Ethan said as we walked over. Dylan didn't move, he didn't talk, the only thing he did was stare at the closed doors.

Ethan lead him to the back of another van to clean up his leg. Dylan's devastated face soon turned blank as Ethan worked on his leg.

"Everyone get in the van we have to hurry home" I ordered. Everyone quickly jumped into a van and speed off.

After breaking about every law on the highway we managed to get to the jet. I headed to the van where Makayla was to help Bryson transfer.

"Be careful, and try to keep her head from moving" Bryson told me. He followed me out of the van hold the IV the was connected to my poor little sister.

Ethan grabbed the rest of the things that we would be needing from the van.

I headed straight to the back room on the plane. I placed Makayla down carefully on the bed. Ethan brought in the rest of the stuff from the van before we where both kicked out of the room.

"I need space to work" he told use as he pointed to the door. I followed Ethan out of the room making sure to to close the door behind me.

The rest of my brothers and cousins where all sitting on the couches and chairs waiting for some kind of update.

"We are getting ready for take off. Please take your seats. Wordlessly both me and Ethan sat down and put our seatbelts on.

We didn't say a word as we took off. We where all quite for awhile before Xander finally spoke up.

"What do we do now" he asked. I knew that they had all seen the petrified look on Makayla's face as she was having a panic attack.

"Bryson is taking care of her right now. The wound on her neck was pretty deep but he's managed to stop the bleeding and stitch it up" I told them all.

I knew that wasn't what Xander was really asking. He wanted to know about her mental state not her physical state.

I paused for a second not quite knowing what to say. "She saw everything. The bastard had TVs up" I replied. Both Drew and Dylan went pale.

"She watched as we killed person after person" I told them honestly. I had never been good at sugar coating things.

"After everything that she went through growing up and what happened just now, who really know what she thinks of us" Ethan spoke up.

"She thinks we're monsters" Dylan mumbled.

"What did you say" Xander asked glaring at him.

"You saw the look she gave us... me before the doors of the van shut. She think we're monsters. She's finally learned what we really are" he said.

He's right. We are monsters and now the one person who saw us as her hero's finally learned the truth about us.

"Shut up! That's not true" Xander argued. I don't know who he was trying to convince, Dylan Or himself.

"It is and you know it is" Dylan debated.

Xander opened him mouth to argue back, but Bryson popped his head out of the back room. "Archer can I talk to you" he asked.

I got up from my seat and made my way into the back room. The second the door opened king sprinted into the room. He missed makayla just as much as we did.

He jumped on to the bed right next to makayla, curling up into a tight ball right next to her.

Pulling my eyes away from the adorable sight, I turned to Bryson as he shut the door. "So?" I simply asked.

"Physically, she's going to be ok. I stitched up the wound on her neck along with some of the smaller bruises. She's clear for infection but she did break two ribs.

I have an IV connected to her right now to replenish the blood that she lost earlier today. The drugs that I gave her earlier should keep her down until tomorrow" he responded.

"What about her mental state" I asked, not really sure if I actually wanted the answer.

"I don't know" he said looking down and shaking his head. "It's to early to tell".

"But I don't think it's good. Just looking at Dylan gave her a panic attack, and she was only half conscious" he sighed.

"Where going to have to completely start from scratch" I told him.

"It's going to be much harder this time. She just found out that not only have we been lying to her, but that we're just like the people she was terrified of" he said.

"What are we going to do" he asked looking over at Makayla's sleeping body.

"What we should've done from the start. Tell her the truth" I told him.

"But then she's gonna hate us" he gapped at me.

"She deserves the truth" I told him. It's true. Weather she hates us after it or not, at least she can learn what's going on around her. I originally didn't tell her because I didn't want her to hate us, but I think by me lying she's only gonna hate us more.

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