Chapter 27

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Makayla's POV:

The rest of ELA went by pretty fast. When the bell rung practically everyone sprinted out of the room. Lilly, Sophie and i where the last one out of the room.

"I'll see you in art class Makayla. Lilly..." she started but was cut off by Lilly. "I know. I was already going to take her to math" she told Sophie. "Thank you Lilly. Have fun, see you guys later" Sophie said as she walked away.

"Bye" both me and Lilly called after her. "Ok, let's go I don't want us to be late" Lilly said to me. She started walking in the opposite direction that Sophie went off in and I followed close behind her.

Everyone was just standing around talking, clearly having no intention of making it to class anytime soon. Me and Lilly headed into another classroom. We headed to the back but I was stoped by a male voice.

"Excuse me. Are you my new student" the voice said. I turned around to find a tale middle aged male, with a bing beard, sitting at a desk. I'm going to guess that this is Mr. Spencer.

"Yes sir" I replied. "We'll come over here so we can talk" he said waving me over to him. I looked back at Lilly and he said "don't worry I'm sure Lilliana will save you a seat. Plus kids won't be her for another five or so minutes" he said laughing.

I head over to Mr. Spencer as Lilly made her way to the back of the class. "What's your name" he asked me. "Makayla DelCastillo" I told him. His eyes grew wide before narrowing in on me.

"Do you have any siblings" he asked me. "Umm yes sir. I have six older brother" I told him starting to get nervous. "I hope your not anything like your brothers because behavior like theirs will not be tolerated in my classroom, am I understood" he asked me.

"Yes sir" I said nervously. What the heck did my brothers do that was so bad. "Now I was going over you records and it seems like you have been doing a great job in math so far" he said.

"Thank you sir" I replied. "Now the only problem I saw was the order you learned the material. What we are working on in class right now you have already learned, but we have already learned something that you weren't supposed to learn til January".

Great so now I'm just going to miss a whole topic. "I suggest that you talk to Lilliana and ask her to help you. It seems that you have already gotten to know her" he told me. "I will ask her sir" I told him trying to be as respectful as possible.

"Ok well go find a desk and remember just because your a DelCastillo doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want" he said.

"Yes sir" I told him before heading over to Lilly in the back of the room. I sat down in my seat as the bell ring and kids started to file into the room.

"What did he wanted" Lilly questioned once I sat down. "He was just telling me that I learned some of the material in a different order and that I missed the last thing that you guys learned" I told her.

"Oh, well if you need any help in it, I'm always available" she said with a friendly smile. I was about to respond when the final bell rung. "Ok class everyone pull out you notebooks and start on the warm up" Mr. Spencer said.

The warm up was some simple algebra. It was only four problems. Lilly and I finished in under three minutes. "Did you get Y=4x-5 for number two" Lilly asked me.

"Yep. Did you get 3x-4y=24 for number four" I asked. "Yep and did you get..." she started to ask before the door opened.

A tall, sweaty boy walked into the classroom as if he owned the place. He had light brown hair and brown eyes. He looked like he was very muscular. Based on the football hoodie that he's wearing I'm going to go off a limb and guess that he's a football player. Not going to lie he was kinda cute.

"Ahh Mr. Turner, how nice of you to grace us with your presence" Mr. Spencer rudely said. Why are all of these teachers so mean when people are late.

"Sorry sir, coach kept us over" the cute boy said rubbing the back of his neck. "Go take a seat before I write you up for disrupting my class" he said. The cute boy just shrugged his shoulders before maligning his way to the back of the class room.

He sat down in the seat in front of Lilly and diagonal from me. "You really need to start getting to this class on time" Lilly whispered to him.

"It's not my fault, coach made us do extra conditioning today so that where ready for the game next week" he whispered back to her.

She just rolled her eyes before turning back to me. "Like I was saying  did you get 4x-67=yx" she asked me. "No I think you forgot to subtract the x on the right side. I got 3x-67=y" I told her.

She looked at me for a second before it looked as if a light bulb went off in her head. "Oh my gosh your right. I can't believe I made such a stupid mistake" she said going back to her work.

The cute boy turned to look at me before looking over at Lilly. "Wow Lilly are you really not going to introduce me to the cute new girl who you seem to be friends with" he asked.

I felt my cheeks heating up from the complainant that he gave me. "Oh Right, Makayla this is Atlas. Atlas that's Makayla" she said pointing to each of us.

Atlas stuck his hand out for me to shake, which I happily did. "Oh Atlas before I forget, can you show Makayla where Mr.Clay's room is next period. I would but world history is on the other side of the building" she asked.

"Of course" he said still looking at me, "I would be honored to escort such a beautiful girl to her class". At this point I'm pretty sure that I look like a cherry tomato.

Lilly flicked Atlas in the head. "I swear if you scare Makayla off I'm going to get Sofe to throw another dodge ball at your face" she hissed into his ear.

At the sound of her threat his eyes went wide. "You wouldn't dare" he gaped at her. "Try me" she said with a smirk. He looked like he wanted to say something but Lilly cut him off, "Shush We're trying to learn here".

Atlas rolled his eyes but turned back around to face the bored. The rest of the class was spent taking note and doing some practice problems. I was so happy when the bell finally rung.

I stuffed my notebook into my bag and stood up. All three of us walked out of the classroom, again I was the last to leave.

"See you at lunch" Lilly called while waving goodbye to Atlas and me. "Don't scare her off" she warned giving on last glare to Atlas. "I won't" he called after he right as she turned a corner.

Atlas turned back to me and gave me a warm smile. "Come on, Sofe will have my head if I make you late" he chuckled. We both started walking down the hallway in silence.

"What's so scary about Sophie throwing a dodge ball" I asked breaking the silence. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at me like I head three heads.

"Did Sophie not tell you how her and I meet" he asked me. "Umm no" I told him confused. He chuckled before starting to walk again. I followed behind him still having no clue where I'm going.

"Well when I first meet Sofe I was the new kid in middle school. I was right in front of her in the lunch line and I took the last cookie. I didn't think that it was a big deal but boy was I wrong.

We had P.E together later that day, and just my luck we where playing dodge ball. I was playing a normal game until all of a sudden I got pelted in the face with a dodge ball.

The ball it me so hard that I ended up breaking me nose. Turns out the kid that threw it was Sofe. In order to not get into trouble she volunteered to take me to the nurse's office. We started talking and I apologized for taking to last cookie. She forgave me and we became friends" he told me.

"Wow" I said in shock. "I know my poor nose" he whined. I giggled at him whining. "Well here you are malady" he said in a fake British accent. "I'm sad to say that this is where we part my fair lady" he continued.

I googled again before saying, "thank you my kind sir" in my very best British accent. I herd him chuckle as I entered the art room. I think I just made my third friend. But maybe one day he'll be more then just a friend.

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