Chapter 48

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Makayla's POV:

Cold water splashed on my face, waking me from my slumber. "It's about damm time" I herd someone say. My eyes shot open and I looked around trying to assess the situation.

I was in a small dark concrete room. The only light was from a dim light bulb that hangs overhead. In front of me was a tall bulky man, covered in tattoos.

In his hands was a bucket. I'm gonna go of a limb and guess that he was the one who threw water on me. Along with him there where two integer people In the room.

One guy was dressed in a crisp suit, similar to something that Archer would wear. I could tell that he was strong. Tattoo creeped onto his hands and neck. His hair was jelled back to perfection.

When I saw the person standing next to him my heart stopped. DARRELL IS ALIVE! Darrell is alive and standing right in front of me.

"Hello Makayla! Did you miss me" he sneered. "H...ow? You s...supposed to be d...dead" I stuttered. "I got some help" he smirked.

"Hello Makayla" the man in the suit greeted. "My name is Roman Kuznetsov. I'm Darrell's cousin" he said nodding his head to Darrel.

"Wh...what am I doing h...ere. I didn't anything to" I asked. "Oh it's nothing personal. I'm just trying to destroy your brothers. Well actually I guess it is personal since your a DelCastillo" he told me.

"This has to be a miss understanding. My bothers are good people" I tried to defend.

"Your brother is the reason my father is dead" he hissed at me. "What are you talking about" I inquired.

He looked at my like I was stupid for a second before it looked like a light bulb went off in his head. "They didn't tell you, did they?" He asked me.

"Tell me what" I replied giving them a glare of my own. "Wow this is to funny" Roman Chuckled. "What! What are you talking about" I growled.

I felt a sting in my cheek as my head whipped to the side. "Watch how to speak to me girl" he sneered. "Anyways" he said fixing his suit, "it seems that your brothers forgot to tell you what they do for there jobs".

I opened my mouth to argue with him, but then closed it when I thought about it. They don't really give me any details about their work. They always just brush off my questions by telling me not to worry about it, or that I wouldn't be interested.

"Do you ever wonder why they come and go so early in the morning and late at night. Or where they get all their money from. Maybe you wonder why they are so heavily guarded" he asked me.

I glared at him, but didn't say anything else. "Well I regret to inform you that your brothers are part of the American mafia. Well actually they run it" he smirked.

"No! That's not true. Their not killer" I denied. I thought he was going to slap me, but instead Roman just laughed at me.

"You'll see soon enough" he said before walking out the door. He stoped and turned to look at me. "I'll leave you in Darrells hands" he told me. "Don't ruff her up to much boys" he said as he shut the door.

I turned to look at a grinning Darrell. "It's been so long since me and you got to have fun" he said with a wicked smirk.

As he got closer I stated shaking like a leaf in the wind. This felt just like old times, back when I lived with him. "Let's get started, shall we" he said before he got started.

He kicked me and punched me over and over. By the time he was done I was laying on the ground. I tried to make myself into a ball but it was no use due to my chained hands. Blood was pooling out of my nose and from several deep cuts coving my body.

"We'll be back tomorrow" Darrell laughed before slamming the door shut. As I laid there on the floor I started coughing up blood. I tried to whips the blood from the corner of my mouth but could duel to the chains on my wrists.

As I laid in my blood I thought about what Roman said. There's no way he was telling the truth. My brothers aren't killers. Their kind good people, they don't hurt people, or sell drugs and stuff.

That's how I went to sleep, thinking about all my brothers have done for me. I hope they can find me soon, I don't know how much more of this I can take.

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