Chapter 26

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Makayla's POV:

I walked out of the office and into the busy high school hallways. There where a lot of people talking and leaning on the lockers. I checked the file to see that my locker number was 310.

The map of the school showed what numbered lockers where on what hallway. Now because I'm so lucky, my locker is on the other side of this huge school.

I started to speed walk through the busy hallways. Very few people spared me a second glance. By the time that I finally reached my locker the bell had already rung.

I opened up my locker and shoved whatever books that I didn't need in it, before looking down at my class schedule.

8:00-8:10 home room, Miss. Blake, room 207, A/B day

8:10-8:55 ELA, Miss. Blake, room 207, A/B day

9:05-10:00 Math 2, Mr. Spencer, room 245, A/B day

10:15- 11:00 Art, Mr. Clay, Room 362, A day

10:15-11:00 Drama, Mis. Pompeii, auditorium, B day

11:05-11:50 Lunch, cafeteria

12:00-12:50 Free period, A day

12:00-12:50 Computer science, Miss. Shane, room 156, B day

1:00-1:50 Health/ P.E, Mr.Curry, gymnasium/ room 532, A day

1:00-1:50 Spanish 2, Miss. García, room 309, B day

2:05-3:00 science, Mr. Smith, room 277, A/B day

3:15-3:55 world history, Miss. White, room 280, A/B day

This schedule is so confusing. What the heck is A day or B day. From the looks of it I have to go to room 207 right now. I pulled out my map again and made my way to class.

It took me about five minutes to finally find the class room. I took a deep breath before entering the room.

"Ah you must be the new student" the teacher said looking me up and down. She was and old skinny lady with a really pointy nose. She had on a long pencil skirt and a white button up top.

"Go take a seat in the back of the classroom" she said before tuning back to the rest of the class. I hurried off to the back of the classroom not wanting to make her any angrier then she already seems.

I found an empty desk in the very back of the room right next to a window. I sat down and pulled a new notebook out of my book bag to start taking notes.

I was in the middle of taking notes on topic vs. theme when I herd someone whisper, "hey, new girl". My head snapped to the right to see who was talking to me.

Next to me a kind looking girl about my age. She had curly brown hair and greenish hazel eyes. She had a smile on her lips. Overall she seemed like a kind, outgoing person.

"Hey, I'm Sophia, but you can just call me Sofe, or Sophie. What's your name" she asked me, while reaching her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Makayla" I replied shaking her hand.

"Don't worry about Mis. Blake, she's always grumpy in the morning" Sophia said smiling. "I could find my way here. This place is like a maze" I told her truthfully.

She let out a quite giggle before asking "Can I see your schedule". I gave her my schedule and she looked over it for a minute before turning back to me.

"Well you have home room and ELA with me and Lilly. Lily and Atlas are in your math class. I'm in your Thomas and I are in you Art clay on A days and on B days Thomas is in your Drama class.

We all have lunch together. You have Atlas, And me in your free period on A days, and Atlas is in your computer science class on B days.

We all have Health/P.E together on A days and you have Lilly in Spanish for B days. You also have me in your Science class, and Atlas and Thomas are in your history class" she told me as she handed me back my schedule.

I was so confused on who any of the people that she named where. Noticing my confusion she said "Oh right, I forgot that you have no clue who anyone is. Atlas, Thomas and Lilly are me friends".

"Do you see the tiny girl in front of me" she said pointing to a girl with shoulder length dirty blond hair, scribbling down notes. She was wearing a cream sweater, navy jean and brown ankle boots.

"That's Lilly. She's kinda nerdy and really short but she super sweet" she told me. "Lilly" she whispered while poking her shoulder.

Lilly turned around looking looking slightly annoyed. "What do you want Sofe" she whispered back. "I want you to meet our new friend Makayla" Sophie told her while motioning to me.

I was surprised that she called me her friend, but happy nonetheless. Lilly turned to look at me no longer looking annoyed. "Hey. I'm Liliana, but my friends just call me Lilly" she said with a friendly smile and a small wave.

"I'm Makayla" I said returning the wave that she gave me. She turned back around and started to take notes again. "Luke I told you, she's a nerd" Sophie whispered to me.

"I herd that" Lilly hissed, turning to give Sophie a playful glare. Sophie put her hands up in mock surrender. Lilly rolled her eyes before once again turning back to her notes.

"Do you know what A day and B day means" I whispered to her. "Oh yea. Basically every other day switches from an A to B day. Based on what day it is some of your classes will change.

For example today is an A day so you have Art, Free period and P.E. Tomorrow is a B day so your going to have drama, computer science and Spanish.

Now there are some class like ELA and math that you haven't ever day. If it say A/B day on you schedule then that's and every day class" she told me. Why the heck did they have to make that so gosh darn confusing.

"Thank you" I told her. "Anytime" she replied. We both turned back to the teacher and started taking notes. Well I took notes, for the look of it Sophie was just doodling.

I thought back over what just happened. I just made my very first friend and my second. Maybe today really will be a good day for me.

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