Chapter 57

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Dylan's POV:

I get like my heart was ripped out of my chest and shattered into a thousand pieces. When she looked at me she looked the same way she did when she woke up from her night terrors.

I'm supposed to be person she goes to for comfort after, not the person in the nightmares.

That was the only thing I could think about as Ethan stitched the wound on my leg closed. I lost the only light in my life. I smothered her with my darkness.

She's gone yet again, but this time it's worse. This time she gone yet still in front of me. I'm going to have to look into those terrified eyes everyday. She going to be so close yet so far.

I don't remember much of the car ride to the airstrip. Most of it was quite.

The second we pulled into the airstrip Archer and Ethan headed straight for the van that Makayla was in.

I was about to go help when the image of her terrified face flashed in my head. Not wanting to make anything worse I just headed for the plane.

All of us sat slumped in our seats as we waited for both Archer and Ethan to come out of the back room to give us an update.

After about five minutes they both came out, but they didn't say anything. It wasn't until after the plane took off when they finally spoke.

It was Xander that broke the silence. "What do we do now?" He asked.

"Bryson is taking care of her right now. The wound on her neck was pretty deep but he's managed to stop the bleeding and stitch it up" Archer lamely told us.

That's not what Xander was asking and he knows that. He knows we all saw the look on Makayla's face before the doors of the van closed.

There was a long pause before he finally said "She saw everything. The bastard had TVs up".

I felt the blood drain from my face. She saw everything. Every person that I killed. She saw the true monster that I am. There's no comping back from this.

"She watched as we killed person after person" Archer continued, not really helping.

"After everything that she went through growing up and what happened just now, who really know what she thinks of us" Ethan added.

She probably thinks I'm the exact same as that fucking bitch Darrell. She thinks I'm just as awful as that scum.

"She thinks we're monsters" I mumbled, not being able to stop myself.

"What did you say" Xander asked glaring at me.

"You saw the look she gave us... me before the doors of the van shut. She think we're monsters. She's finally learned what we really are" I said, doing my best to keep the emotion out of my voice.

"Shut up! That's not true" Xander argued back. Honestly I think he was trying to convince himself more then me.

"It is and you know it is" I replied. He knows that I'm right but he just can't admit it.

Xander opens his mouth to keep arguing but another voice stops him.

"Archer can I talk to you" Bryson says popping his head out of the back room.

Archer gets up and heads back there with king following him. After the door closes, it's once again quite out here.

No one spoke, all of us to lost in our thoughts. I looked out the window at the fluffy white clouds, thinks about how to fix my relationship with Makayla, how to earn her trust back.

I spent the rest of the flight thinking, or sleeping. No one spoke with the exception of The three oldest, and when they did it consented of hushed whispers.

When we landed Archer told us to go ahead. He said that we needed to brief the twins on what happened so that they don't overwhelm Makayla when they see her.

Much like the flight, the car ride was silent. I think all of us where trying to figure out what to say to the twins. How are we supposed to tell them that there little sister found out that where all monsters.

But maybe we won't think that about them because she didn't watch them kill anyone. Maybe she'll still trust them.

That thought was bittersweet. On one hand I'm glad that she would still trust someone in the family who could keep her safe, and someone at home so she would feel more comfortable.

But at the same time I was jealous of them. I was jealous that they could still have Makayla's trust, jealous that she wouldn't look at them with those big petrified eyes.

The second we pulled into the garage the twins sprinted out of the door. "Where is she, where's Makayla" Luke Asked out of breath as he opened up my car door.

"She's behind us with Archer, Ethan and Bryson" I said calmly. "How far behind are they" Liam asked joining his brother.

"I'm not sure" I told them. I headed to the back of the car and to help Drew and Zander carry in the bags.

Luke opened his mouth to ask another question but I beat him to it. "Grab a bag and take it inside, then meet me in the living room. There are some things I need to tell you guys" I told them seriously.

They looked confused but did as I told them. I grabbed my two duffle bags and lugged them into the house. I took them up to my room hoping to stall before I had to talk to the twins. But I know this conversation needs to happen sooner rather then later.

I dragged myself down the stairs and into the living room. The twins where already there along with Zander and Drew.

I sat down across from the twins wondering how to start the conversation.

"When Makayla gets back your going to have to be... gentle" I told them, stumbling over my words a little.

"What do you mean Dylan" Luke questioned.

"She really hurt, and it's not just physically" I tried to explain.

"Nah dip, she was just kidnapped by the fucking Mafia" Liam stated clearly not understanding.

"She's going to need a lot of space right now. Especially from us"

"That's fucking stupid. She needs us more then ever right now" Liam argued, but when I looked at Luke I knew he understood what I was trying to say.

"She knows" he whispered.

"What the fuck are you talking about" Liam asked Luke. Frustration written all over his face.

"She knows" he said again louder as the two of them locked eyes. They stared at each other for a second before recantation flashed on Liam's face.

"Tell us what the fuck happened" Liam growled turning back to me, and so I did.

I told them everything that I knew. I told them how she had clearly been beaten and starved for all these weeks. I told them how she watched on cameras us kill people. I told them how her neck was secretly cut, and I told them how she looked at me and the panic attack.

Luke was crying by the end of the story while Liam had his fist balled at his sides. It looked like he wanted to punch something.

"FUCK" Liam shouted throwing the lamp that was next to him.

"You guys will have the best chance to gain her trust back" I told them.

"What do you mean" Luke asked looking up from where his face was buried in his hands.

"You weren't there" I explained, "she didn't see you kill people. Hopefully she'll still trust you".

"And what if she doesn't trust any of us" Liam asked the thought that I've been mulling over. What are we going to do if she never trust us again.

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