Chapter 60

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Makayla POV:

"I think it's time that I finally explain everything to you" he said walking further into the room. I could feel it become harder to breath as I looked at his face.

"Archer are you sure about this" Liam asked.

"Yes. No more lies" he said never once taking his eyes off of mine.

I didn't say anything, simply grabbed Liam's hand. I needed some comfort right now. I'm not sure what Archer is about to tell me, but I know it's not going to be good.

"Makayla, we are part of the Mafia" he said bluntly. What the fudge. I do t know what I was expecting him to say, but it shuts as heck wasn't that.

"Where not just part of it, we run it. I'm the leader and Ethan is my second" he continued. Was this a joke. This has to be a joke.

"So you kill people for a living" I simply asked. "It's a part of the job but we don't just kill people for fun" he responded.

"Are you all part of the mafia" I asked tensing in Liam's grasp.

"All of us are except the twins are officially part of the mafia" he told me.

"Did you know" I asked Liam.

"Yes he did" archer responded for him.

I felt Liam's grip get tighter, almost like he was trying to reassure me that he wasn't dangerous.

"Me and Luke found out about the mafia last year. Now we are training to be a part of it" Liam said.

This was all to much information for my brain to process. "Makayla, we are still the same people that you have known. Us being in the mafia doesn't change that" Liam told be.

"He's right" Archer said taking a tentative step forward, "we're the same people. We didn't tell you because we didn't want to scare you".

"We also didn't want you to think of us the same way you thought of Darrell" Ethan said now entering my room.

"We know that this is a lot to process, and that it's hard to hear, but please don't push us away" Dylan said coming in behind Ethan.

When I think about it their right. At the end of the day their still my brothers. Their still the same people who tuck me in at night, and cuddle with me. They are still my brother and them being in the mafia doesn't change that fact.

I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks. "What..." Liam started to say but he stopped when my arms wrapped around his neck.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I sobbed into his chest. "Don't apologize piccolo uno" Liam shushed me. Liam rubbed soothing circles along my back.

After a minute my sobs turned into sniffles. I lifted my head from his chest and turned around to look a my brothers, who where all now closer. Ethan was now sitting on my bed and both Archer and Dylan where in arms reach.

"I'm sorry about the way I acted. You guys risked your lives to save me and I didn't even say thank you" I said looking down at my hands.

"You have nothing to be sorry for principessa. We shouldn't have lied about what we do" Ethan said stroking my hair.

I spun around on Liam's lap and hug Ethan. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me on to his lap. He cradled me to his chest and slowly rocked me back and forth. My eyes fall shut as I listen to Ethan's heart beat. The sound soon sends me off to sleep.

Hey guys!! I sorry that this chapter is so short and that I took so long. I hope you enjoyed it. The story is almost over and I hoped that you all liked it.

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