Chapter 25

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Makayla's POV:

Ethan knew one of the only ways to help with my nerves. On our way here, he decided to blast some more Taylor swift songs.

"You, with your words like knives and swords and your weapons that you use against me. You have knocked me off my feet again. Got me feeling like I'm nothing. You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard calling me out when I'm wounded. You, picking on the weaker man" we both started.

The rest of the car ride consisted of the two of us singing at the top of our lungs whatever Taylor Swift song came on.

"And that's why he's spinnin' 'round in my head Comes back to me, burning red. Yeah, yeah. His love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street" we sang as we entered a school parking lot.

Oh I'm sorry did I say school a meant to say fudging mansion. This place was huge. Whenever I thought of a school I thought of some old warn down build, but this was the opposite.

It was a huge cream colored building that looked like it could be pulled out of some fancy person magazine. There where huge pilers and even a really big stained glass window.

Ethan parked the car and a reserved parking space and turned off the engine. "Ready, caramella" Ethan asked turning to look at me. (Sweetie)

"Ready as I'll ever be" I mumbled looking down at my heads. Ethan softly tilted my head so that our eyes meet.

"Your going to do amazing. Everyone's gonna love you and if they don't then they'll have your brothers to deal with" he said. He laughed about the last part but from the look in his eyes I could tell that he was dead serious.

"Now come on piccolo uno, the headmaster is waiting for us" he told me softly, releasing my chin. (Little one)

We both stepped out of the fact car and started to make our way to the school. I inches closer to Ethan wanting some comfort. Understanding what I was trying to do, Ethan wrapped one of his large, muscular arms around my tiny frame.

We walked up the front steps and into the large school building. Ethan guided me to the front office, obviously being here before.

There was a kind looking older woman behind the desk. She was was typing away on her desktop computer.

She looked up as we entered, giving both of us a warm smile. "Where here to speak to the headmaster" Ethan stated cooly. "Of course Mr. DelCastillo. You can go in" she told us. I gave a small smile to the old woman before heading Into the office.

We opened the large oak door to reveal your stereotypical headmaster's office. There where large oak book shelves filled to the brim with books and Knick knacks.

There was a large oak desk in the center of the room. Behind it was a large black chair, and in front of it where to plush black chair. Over all I will be doing my best to stay out of this room.

Both Ethan and I took a seat at one of the plush black seats while waiting for the headmaster to arrive. "Have you been here before" I asked him.

"Yes. Many, many times" he chuckled. It was really confusing how Ethan can go from being really scary to a giant cuddle bunny in two seconds.

I was about to question him further when someone entered the office.  A short thin man walked in. He wore grey dress pants and a white collared shirt with a red tie. He had black hair with a large bald spot on the top and a long pointy face.

He walked around his desk taking a seat in his black chair. "Ahh Ethan DelCastillo" he started. He turned to look at me and said "Makayla DelCastillo, I presume. I'm Mr. Stevens".

"Yes sir. It's nice to meet you Mr. Stevens" I said trying to seem respectful. "Wow, I with your brothers had your manners" he responded. Ethan cleared his throat reminding us that he was still here.

"Right well I'm here to tell you the rules of this school" Mr. Stevens stated. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at the fact that I have even more rules to follow. Lucky me, please note my sarcasm.

"First of no fighting, violence, bullying, smoking or drinking of any kind will be tolerated here. Anything like that will result in an immediate suspension." He started.

"You are to be respectful to all of your teachers, but after meet you I'm sure that not going to be a problem" he praised me. I felt a blush start to creep up my cheeks.

"If you misbehave during any of you classes your teachers have to power to give you after school detention. If you do not show up for detention three times you will be suspended.

Again I don't think that this will affect you but I just want to make sure that you know" he continued.

He reached into his desk and pulled out a file, handing it to me. "In there you while find you're time table, locker number and combination, a map of the school and a list of extracurricular activities that we offer" he told me as I was looking though everything that he gave me.

"I believe that all unless there anything that you want to ask me" he said. "No sir" I replied. "Well then good luck on you first day and I hope that you have a pleasant time here at this school" he told me while standing up.

He stuck out his and for me to shake,  which I did. "Thank you Mr. Stevens" I responded standing up and shaking his hand. Ethan stood up as well. He shock Mr. Stevens hand.

"Have a good day" Ethan said while leading me out of the office. Once we where back out In it main office Ethan turned me around to look at him.

"You have ten minutes till your first class. If you want I can call Dylan or one of the twins down here to walk you to class" he told me.

"I'll be ok Ethan" I said while giving him a reassuring smile. "I know you will neonato, I just worry" he told me cupping my face with his large hands. (Baby)

"Now just remember, if anyone gives you any kind of trouble go to your brothers. If you need anything don't hesitate to call one of your brothers. All of our numbers our saved into your phone" he told me.

"Ethan, I'm going to be ok" I repeated to him while grabbing to hand that was in my cheek. He pulled me into a tight hug and whispered into my hair, "you going to do amazing today, piccolo uno". (Little one)

After a seconds he pulled away from me and looked down at me. "Thank you Ethan" I told him. "Your welcome Angelo, now get going I don't want you to be late in your first day of school" he replied.

I gave him one last wave before heading into the unexplored lands called high school.

Their little flowerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon