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Mark ran his fingers through his dark blue hair, the first thing he saw when he came home to get a change of clothes for his beautiful wife was the acceptance letter of his university. An year had passed by and it was time he left to New York to pursue his university studies but how can he when his only family was in her death bed and his wife gave birth just hours ago.  Taking Donghyucks stuff he went back with a sigh, he was over moon when little Aera came into the world with loud crying and the sight of his lover tired and exhausted on bed gave him the reason to smile again. From being headover heels for his crush he made his best friend's brother his wife, not forgetting to make the boy the mother of his daughter.

"Baby what's wrong?" Hyuckie pouted as the older came inside the hospital room. Aera was in Taeyongs arms, cuddled up after her dose of milk as Mrs Lee attended to the tired Mommy.

"Nothing Babe. Just tired, I had to go meet the doctor before coming here. That's why. How are my darlings?" Mark kissed the Pudu's forehead softly as he sat next to him.

"Is she alright?, Will she be back to being normal?" Hyuckie caressed the olders cheeks.

"I don't know if she will make it though. It's hard and I'm afraid." Mark tried his hardest not to cry, just then Taeyong came closer with the pink bundle of love. "My baby girl." He carefully snuggled her into his arms. Her tiny fingers all balled into a tight clutch.

"We love you Daddy. Alot. It's going to be okay. Hmm?" Hyuck kissed his husband on the lips.

Nothing got better, nothing at all ever got better after that. Donghyuck found it hard to cope school with their new born baby and he left her with his mother or Taeyong. Mark was barely ever home after being burdened with piles of work on his head after Wendy went into a coma. Especially his university kept asking if he'd come to start with the new semester or the scholarship would eventually get cancelled.

"Mark......I'm worried. You won't tell me anything, your eyes are red and you look so tired." Donghyuck woke up when he felt their bed dip in the middle of the night. Aera was barely a month old and relied on her mother. "If it's about the university thingy. It's okay you can go Mark. I'll follow you soon, I just have to study a little harder. I'm almost there. I passed the placements." He sat on his knees, Mark just pulled him into a hug tightly.

"I don't know what to do anymore. Iost my family when I was so young and Wendy took me in. She's the only memory, the last memory of my Mom.  My family. She looks exactly like her, they were twins and......I can't afford to loose her. I'm neglecting you and our daughter but you are always so understanding it hurts. So I've decided on something." Mark pulled away. He squeezed his wife's stubby soft palms,those gorgeous honey brown big orbs starting intently at the older.

"W-What? Don't b-break up or leave me Mark. We'll find a wa-" When Mark gave a low chuckle he stopped with a pout.

"I would never leave you Baby. But......." He stretched to his bedside table and grabbed the acceptance letter of NY University. "Go in my place........I've spoken to the Deen and she said you can join in my name, you'll have to go by as Mrs Lee. Take whatever major you need babe, study hard for me okay. Take Aera with you and I'll follow as soon as I can. Live my dream for me darling." Mark caressed those chubby cheeks with the back of his palms.

"M-Mark......" Hyuckie hiccuped shaking his head. This was Marks whole life.

"I need to protect my father's hard work, my mother's memories, my brother's hopes and I also want my favourite person to persue his dreams. You are very much deserving of the scholarship babe. Will you make me happy?" The boy with blue hair smiled his lovers face still safe within his arms.

"Aera.....Aera would grow without you.  You'll miss important parts of her life. Mark we can both be together here and find out a way to make it all work." Haechan mumbled with trembling lips.

"I want you to pursue your dreams. Just because I've been held back doesn't mean you should too. I'm rich and I'll fly over to spend time with Aera always. I promise." Promised Mark with a lingering peck on his world's forehead.

"What about Beary baby? You won't come to see me? Mark I just gave birth and now you are sending me away. Please my heart hurts baby." The Pudu started whimpered softly, he was shaking so hard it was killing him.

"Babe the university would cancel the application if I didn't respond and the only person running on my mind was you. It's hectic, but it's going to be worth it. I love you so much babe. I love both of you." Hyuck saw how serious his husband was about his future, despite his breaking down life he still thought only of Donghyuck.

"Promise me one thing Mark. That you'll not move on from me or leave me for someone else." He fiddled his stubby fingers, wiping the hot streaming tears away. He stared at the blurry vision of his bare thighs. Mark lifted his damp chin with a finger.

"I loved you first Donghyuck. From day once until now you've been the only one I've ever been in love with. So you have nothing to worry. My first and last." Assured Mark connecting their lips together in a passionate kiss that made the younger break down crying because he didn't want to leave Mark no matter how hard their life was.

I Loved You First [MarkHyuck]❤️Where stories live. Discover now