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Taeyong still couldn't fathom the fact that his best friend and baby brother were together. Donghyuck crashed into Marks body that morning in just his teddy bear PJ's, bare faced and messy. Mark chuckled with that soft smile.

"Hurry up. You'll be late for school." Mark bobbed their noses together and  the pink head ran upstairs to dress. Taeyong wiggled his eyebrows at Mark for being so red with embarrassment. Thank god their father wasn't at home and their mother was still asleep.

Donghyuck sat on the passenger seat and Taeyong took the backseat, he was happy that the two favourite people in his life were together in love. How cute was that? Donghyuck giggled as he lent to smooch Marks cheek and the older blushed shyly. When school came into the vicinity, Taeyong got off and let the lovers have a little alone time.

"Soooo do we go to school as boyfriends?" Donghyuck shyly tucked a tuft of hair behind his ear. Mark nodded getting off as he jogged to the pink heads side and opened the door for him. Everyone at the parking lot gasped when the boy got off with a blush.

Mark gave the beauty his arm as Donghyuck took it shyly. They walked into the gates hand in hand giving so many heart attacks and heart breaks. Jaemin lowered his sunglasses at the scene and Chenle choked on his bubble tea. Where did he go wrong raising his son.

"HE SAID YES!!!" Chenle screamed and the friends ran to the Chocoball being all shy and embarrassed.

"He did. Mark meet Jaemin, Jeno, Chenle, Renjun and Jisung. Bitches! Meet your future brother in law." Hyuck introduced Mark to his best friend's. They cooed at how cute the blue head was with his arm holding the stubby arm so tight.

"Welcome to the family!!" Everyone cheered as Mark nodded and dragged his boyfriend to his locker.

"Umm I have a game after school. So will come?" Mark squeezed Haechans soft stubby arms.

"Yes I will. Can my friends come too? Jeno also is a part of the team." Donghyuck hugged Marks waist tightly.

"Yeah......They can. I'll see you at lunch." Said Mark smiling. The younger kissed the edge of the olders thin lips.

"I love you Mark." Saying so he ran away with red cheeks.

When it was lunch time Mark felt the families warmth as soft arms back hugged him, he smiled carefully pulling his lover in front. Donghyuck grinned that chubby toothy smile, which always made his chubby cheeks chubbier.

"I'll get you your lunch Beary." Mark caressed the chubby cheek.

"You will?" Hyuck giggled as he skipped to his table.

"I hate being single." Renjun groaned coming out of the line with food. He looked attacked.

"Chenle is a good Candidate or you can join us. Yanno! Jisung still needs to grow." Jeno shrugged feeding Jaemin his food.

Mark got Hyuck his lunch tray and then ruffled his soft pink hair before he left to go sit with his massive amount of friends. He was just too sweet for the younger boys heart. But then they were in a relationship now so he had to learn to live with the overload of fluff.

"Mark?" Hyuck called him while the boys were about to leave. Mark turned to look at him with a soft smile. "I love you." He blushed, he didn't care that everyone was watching, he just wanted them to know that Mark was his.

"Don't look at me like that baby." Mark got so shy he speed walked away and Lucas started crying at how cute the male was being.

"They totally ended up together. So that means Yang Yang and Xiaojun will become mine soon." Hendery wickedly grinned.

The whole day went by with the new couple getting teased for being too shy and embarrassed. Mark scanned the bleachers and spotted his bear fighting for chicken with Chenle. They were being so childish it filled his heart.

"Yo captain. Focus shall we?" Win-win teased Mark.

"Shut up hyung!" He whined.

Donghyuck couldn't believe that they were boyfriends, after the match when he went downstairs the blue head looked so happy he had to hug him and kiss those cute cheeks. They won the game and Hyuck just wanted to kiss Mark on the lips but he didn't.

"You see pretty lips. You kiss them. You see a pretty ass. You fuck it. You see a guy you like get him pregnant. That's the motto of life." Ten stood judging them, Hyuck blushed so hard he hid his face in the olders chest with a cute Pudu wiggle.

"Yay! Stop ruining innocent children!" Kun swatted Tens head.

Once the older guy was dragged away Mark hugged Hyuck back tightly. He smiled and felt complete, finally he felt whole. Pulling away the older smiled down at the younger.

"I love you." Marks eyes were flooded with emotions it made the younger giggle, amidst the staring they itched to get closer. The blue heads ears turned red but sadLy their lips couldn't meet for someone yeld Marks name and the older had to leave.

"My car keys are in my locker. Be seated and I'll be back in a few okay." Mark smiled at Donghyuck.

"What's the password?" Hyuck pouted  not letting Mark go.

"You'll know." Blushing Mark jogged away.

Donghyuck pouted at the locker, breaking his head to find the password but then he bit his lips. Maybe it was his name? He jabbed the  letters into the lock.


It didn't get open, so with a Pudu wiggle he whined.


It opened, that was the name he had once written on the letter he gave Mark a few years back. It was the name his mom calls him when she was all lovey dovey. It was their little secret. Giggling he saw all the pictures of his face on the olders locker, grabbing the keys he ran down to the jeep.

I Loved You First [MarkHyuck]❤️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora