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"Haechan are you okay?" Jeno ruffled his best friend's pink hair, Haechan was nine months and a half. He found it very hard to even move his body, the pregnancy took a very heavy toll on the poor guy. He didn't have a big baby bump, little Aera was a cute small baby but he found it so difficult. Big blobs of tears fell on his paper.

"S-Someone c-call Mark. P-Please." He whispered, Renjun rushed to call the older as Jaemin squeezed his chocoball's cold shivering stubby arms. They knew his contractions were severe. Only their class knew Donghyuck was pregnant with their senior boy, Mark Lee's baby.

Hyuck whimpered softly, as Jeno carried him like a bride to the nurses office. She usually wasn't in and even if she was it wasn't a biggie anyways. Since he barely had a visible bump it seemed much easier to go to school. Sadly, School final year exams, assignments and University entrance exams were not helping the pregnant Pudu.

"Mark he's having contractions! Get your ass here right now!" Renjun snapped on the phone.

"Take him to the hospital. Please Junnie. I'm not in a situation to come, something bad has happened and I can't leave right now." It only angered the Chinese that he literally threw his phone on the wall.

The best friend's took their best friend to the nearest hospital. It wasn't anything new, Mark had been dodging  and avoiding anything regarding Donghyuck. It only rose the suspicions his friends were having and especially Taeyong seemed to not know anything about his own best friend. Haechan started crying, afraid that he might give birth any minute and his husband won't be here to watch their little girl being born.

"Where.......Where is he?" Hyuck drew in harsh breaths, he wanted Mark so much it was eating him alive.

"Busy. As usual. I sometimes wonder if he's cheating on you. Hyuck he's been acting weird the past three weeks." Jaemin threw hands, he was always that over protective bestie you rarely ever find.

"He won't. I trust him. He's busy maybe. Jeno can you.......can you drop me at home? Please?" Haechan whispered.

Mark walked into an empty house, he found his wife asleep on their bed, his baby bump bare and round, he was just in his boxers and looked so tired and exhausted that he felt bad for avoiding this little baby for so long. But what can he do but do what's best for his bear. Pulling off his tie and unbuttoning his white dress shirt he grabbed his towel to go shower.

"Maybe I'll order some food......he's going to be super mad when he wakes up." Saying so Mark forgot to pull on a shirt as he padded down stairs with damp hair and torso with only his sweats and boxer band out on all its glory.

He ordered food, made coffee and was about to sip the steamy hot liquid when his dear darling babe waddled downstairs with the white t-shirt he placed on the bed to wear. It was obvious that the pink head had a very awful time with his last stages of pregnancy. When those big golden orbs met Marks yummy ones his expression turned a little dark.

"Oh you finally found your way back home?! Really? Why are you here? To see if I'm dead or alive?! You call me your wife just because you are the man of this relationship and I should cook and wait until you come home and keep waiting like a fool while you are busy out their doing God knows what?! Everyone thinks you are chea-" Mark yanked his bears neck so their lips would touch, he didn't hesitate to venture on those tear drenched thick lips because he knew he had never cheated nor would he ever. Though at first Hyuck refused to kiss back he eventually melted and kissed back, for the way his man held him, they way his kiss felt different, he knew there was more to just staying away.

"Your mother didn't want me to tell you so I had to keep quiet Babe. Why would I cheat on you when all I ever wanted in my life is you and our baby?" Mark pulled away panting, Haechan immediately felt bad for snapping, blame it on his vulnerable hormones okay.

"What happened baby? I'm so sorry I snapp- ummm...." He was kissed again making him gently push Mark away with a giggle. "Let me talk and then kiss me to dea-" There goes his lips again.

"I'm officially.......Orphaned. First my parents and now Wendy and Joy." Sighed Mark with a broken smile, that's when he collapsed crying into his arms. Haechan carefully sat down on the kitchen floor with his lover and cupped his cheeks worried.

"Baby? What are you trying to say? Hush now......calm down and tell me." Haechan kissed Marks forehead as his thumbs wiped the hot streaming tears away. Mark hugged him tightly, breaking down rather tragically on Hyuck's swollen lactating chest.

"Her car crashed and.......Joy was dead on the spot. I tried to tell you as soon as I got to know but your mother was afraid you might take it badly, so I avoided you because I was afraid. Wendy is critically still hospitalized, I don't even know if she'd last the night. I came home after Joys burial. I'm so sorry Baby........It hurts..... I'm afraid I might loose you too." Donghyuck shook his head, whispering soft audible No's, trying to sooth his lover but also not knowing what to do. Or how to react, he bit his lips to hide the pain shooting up his lower abdomen.

"M-Mark....." He gasped his arms instantly holding his baby bump. "I-I think.......Ahhh I think I'm about to give birth.......Markkkk." Donghyuck's eyes started flooding with water and Mark had to call the ambulance because Hyuck couldn't stand up, he was afraid. He immediately carried hid wife to the car and placed him on the passenger seat.

"Hold on ill be back with a shirt." Mark rushed home to grab a shirt and everything the boy needed before running to the car.

"Mark....." Hyuck whimpered softly.

I Loved You First [MarkHyuck]❤️Where stories live. Discover now