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Mark placed the flowers on his family's  tomb as he smiled at the picture on the mossy stone. They weren't here but it didn't mean he forgot them. It was Hyuck's last month on his seventh pregnancy cycle. He'd soon turn eight and the boy couldn't control his happiness. To have the boy he had always been in love with bare his baby and start their very own family. Was it wrong to be young and still have a baby? Well if you have supportive parents then why not.

Donghyuck felt the kick, the tiny print if his baby's feetie showing on his skin. It was certainly was beautiful to have a little living being within you as you nuture it to grow as you bond through blood, the way it's made with the mother's own body. God wasn't playing when he decided to give all people the gift of a baby.

"I can't believe you are carrying my best friend's baby and it's almost time for the baby shower. I'm so happy for you Hyuckie." Taeyong kissed his plump baby brother.

"What if......What if he shows up Hyung? What if he tries to hurt my baby?" Hyuck trembled, he wasn't wrong. He was just being a concerned mother.

"We all here sweetie. Nothing wrong is going to happen. I promise you that." Hyuck wore a pastel coloured dress that fell on to his mid thighs, a flower crown and make up. His pink hair falling in tiny ringlets.

"I trust you. Also why do I have these breasts? Hyungg!" The Pudu wiggled with a cute stomp.

"Because you are lactating and you need to feed my best friends baby." The older teased the beauty.

Under a tree, that was huge and shady stood a white swing decorated with sunflowers and all that pleasing aesthetic appeal ivy, not many were invited but Hyuck's classmates and Marks classmates were invited. Including an angry Yuta, The beautiful skies plan and cloudless, the sun on its peak. Wasn't the venue just magical? But the even wasn't when the sun shines bright it was when he'd set. The Twilight.

"I'm nervous like I'm about to marry him." Mark groaned as he stood with a suit looking like a literal mess. His team mates teased the shit out of him.

The soft bells tinging made everyone turn to the most beautiful sight ever. Donghyuck came with his stubby arms rest on and under their baby bump. He had on a black cloak as he made his way towards the older with the precious smile he always had on. Mark quizzically stared pondering as to why Mr Lee walked him down.

"Stop staring at me." Haechannie giggled bouncing a little to smooch the olders lips.

"You are so beautiful Babe. I love you." Mark squeezed both the stubby arms, Haechan smiled reaching out caresses his cheek as his thumb wiped the stray tear.

"I love you too. But before my baby shower starts..........sign this." Hyuck handed the paper that Jaemin gave him to Mark.

"A marriage certificate? Babe I'll marry you anyways but......Why are you so fucking cute?" Mark chuckled softly at this phat bear wanting them to have their marriage right now. "You want us to get married today? But I haven't brought the wedding bands yet Babe." He pecked the pouty pink lips.

"Beary thought........Nevermind Beary ish-" The cuties pouty sentence was cut short.

"I'll marry you after the baby shower okay? Sit here and let's start the event, I'll go buy us the band's. Hmm?" Mark made his baby boy sit down slowly.

"I won't reveal the gender until Chu marry the Beary Babe!" Hyuck wiggled his feeties and glared at Mark. He huffed and puffed looking away crossing his arms.

"WHY FEAR WHEN WENDY IS HERE HOES!!!" Wendy pulled out the wedding bands that Mark had ordered previously to be custom made. Little Miss Joy happened to have seen him there one day and VIOLA!

As Mr Lee said the vows Mark and Donghyuck were married right in front of Yuta. His heart split, the splinters digging into his skin as he stood watching like a broken statue. The second Hyuck was kissed by his hot husband he let the cloak fall off his body and Mark gasped closing his mouth.

"It's........It's a girl?" He started crying, Haechan was dressed in pink. The soft pink satin dress having a soft shine that matched his freshly coloured pink hair. Everyone squealed when Jeno set the fire works off that appeared into a

It's a GIRL!!


"Are you happy Baby?" Hyuck whispered with a smile, Mark nodded hiccuping. He hugged his wife as tightly as he can.

That was the moment Yuta left. He walked out the venue a little staggered, he drove away to God knows where. He drove and drove until his car stopped without feul. He hadn't believed that these two would actually be so in love. Yuta wanted to keep denying, he did until he saw for himself. The effect Hyuck had on Mark, the power to make him to anything, to make the boy smile like an idiot. They were so effortlessly in love that it was painful. He broke down crying, sobbing into his his arms, banging his head on the steering wheel. The pain of a heart break for once was true for he felt each crack, every splinter, the holo void left behind. The scars. Everything. It were as if he were bleeding without blood.

"Yuta left?" Win-win looked around worried for the Japanese boy.

"Dude finally realised he had been thirdwheeling MarkHyuck. Damn but the surprise of Hyuck's pregnancy was lit. Not gonna lie on that." Hendery sipped his wine with a smirk checking Xiaojuns ass.

"Poor baby." Pouted Win-win looking down at his feet.

Mark fed his bouncy wife enjoying his night, checking and admiring his wedding band. Kicking his slippers away with a cute grumble, ordering the older to carry him about cutely.

I Loved You First [MarkHyuck]❤️Where stories live. Discover now