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"Markie!!!" The cheerful voice made Mark smile as he stopped the vehicle, Hyuck hung on the gates with Taeyong feeding him his breakfast.

"Good morning baby." Mark waved at the beauty. Donghyuck blushed shyly as the older got off the jeep and came to back hug him.

"Right in front of my salad. Get married already." Taeyong rolled his eyes at the cuties being too much for his poor heart.

"Can I?" Hyuck wiggled his eyebrows.

It became a normal life style for Mark to drop his boyfriend and best friend at school. Though Hyuck was a clingy baby it took great effort for the senior to show affection in public. Not that the red head complained because he was spoilt personally.

"Where are you going today?" The beauty played with Marks hoodie strings as the older trapped his cutie on the locker.

"We have a game." Mark smiled at the gorgeous boy who wouldn't stop pouting up at him. "Hey I'll be back by evening........" He whispered caressing the chubby cheek with the back of his arm.

"I'll miss you........." Donghyuck mumbled cutely making the older coo at his lover.

"Beary baby I'll be back before you know it. Don't look so sad it hurts my heart." The older looked worried, Hyuck's big bear orbs teared up as he bit his lips. Why was he being a baby?

"Beary will wait......." He hugged Mark tightly as he kissed the olders heart.

Sadly when Mark dropped Hyuck at his house Mr Lee was at the door. Donghyuck was so red because he had been given a kiss he didn't know how to behave Infront of his angry father. His father had always been homophobic and strongly opposed same sex relationships.

"Who was that?" Mr Lee gruffly questioned his baby son.

"Mark......Hyungs best friend." Donghyuck nervously mumbled fiddling his fingers. Mrs Lee asked her son what was wrong with her eyes, Hyuck pouted.

"You are grounded." Mr Lee hissed as he went inside and Donghyuck started sniffling. He was more afraid that his Daddy would seperate him from his lion. He ran into his room, it felt so weird because his dad did not yell or scream. It was way too calm for a very angry person.

Donghyuck didn't even know what to do. They just started dating recently and now his father caught them red handed, he waited for so long to be with Mark. Mr Lee stood at his son's door as he watched Hyuck silently cry.  He locked the door of the boys room and left.

"Tae are you okay?" Mark asked his best friend, Taeyong didn't feel well. As if he knew his baby brother had been crying all evening.

"I don't know but I guess he's in trouble...... hopefully dad didn't catch you guys!!" Taeyong gasped at Mark.

Donghyuck had been crying for hours straight now. His father and mother were arguing about him, he knew it was about him having a relationship with a boy. The day wasn't anything close to nice at all. He had changed into an old t-shirt, he curled himself on the floor with a pout.

"Are you supporting him?! He's gay and you are going to support two boys?!" Mr Lee shouted at his wife making her flinch.

"He's been in love with that boy for years. He's finally said yes and you are trying to ruin Haechans happiness because of your homophobic thoughts?" Mrs Lee wasn't going to let her husband ruin her baby son's life.

"Mom?" Taeyong walked inside the house as Mark followed but stood at the door, he tried to leave when Mr Lee called him.

"Mark? I need to talk to you." Saying so he went into his study.

Though he lost his parents at a young age he was raised with etiquette, good morals and respectful gentleman qualities. He nervously came inside the office room as he stood before the man who seemed so angry he might smash something on his head.

"Leave my son." Mr Lee ordered the young boy.

"I won't sir." Mark looked at Mr Lee with a smile.

"How dare you?! He isn't gay he's being manipulated." He started but Mark shook his head.

"He doesn't have to be gay to fall in love with me sir. Just as I'm HyuckSexual he's Marksexual. I loved him first even though I couldn't confess. He's amazing, the way he smiles, talks, walks and simply exists makes my life so full. I don't have parents, just an aunt. He's my only family and I love him so much. So no matter what you say I'll never leave my bear. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, it's infinite. So please don't make my Hyuckie cry and hurt him because it hurts me so much." Mark bowed at the older as he left the office and went up to the room that was locked. Turning the key he unlocked it.

"Markkkk!!!" Donghyuck got off the floor as he threw himself on the the said boys arms. "Don't break up with me!" He sobbed.

"I won't baby. Stop crying." Mark chuckled spinning him around.

"Do you like him so much?" Mr Lee asked Donghyuck.

"I love him soooo much Daddy." Haechan screamed at his father.

"Fine then........ I'll give you my blessings." Mr Lee sighed as he looked at his wife, she stared him down with a frown. Though he hated the term gay the smile on his son's face melted his heart as he just let Hyuck get carried away by his boyfriend. After all Mark was that perfect son anyone would ever wish to have.

"So Dad......I like Jaehyun. How about you guys go and ask him to marry me?" Taeyong nervously giggled at his parents.

"First confess then I'll see what we can do." Mrs Lee rolled her eyes at the pouting beauty. "You agreed so soon?" She looked at her husband.

"He loves him. Its difficult for me but I'll try to accept them slowly." Mr Lee smiled.

I Loved You First [MarkHyuck]❤️Where stories live. Discover now