31.1 - Chance

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"How can I get Asahi to like me?!" The male with black, ruffled hair with tuffs of blonde pounded the wooden table, forehead scrunched up as he bit his lower lip. He gathered all of the attention of the customers with just one question to break the relaxing, quiet atmosphere. You could only give a sigh at the boy childishly pondering over that one question. "Agh... Morisuke, save me..."

Your eyes traced the other short male that sat beside Nishinoya with light brown hair pushed back, laughing at the boy. "You've been chasing him for a few years now and even now, you two are still travelling? Speak up already, Yuu."

"I don't know how! It always seem so impossible to bring it up around him! Even now... I can't find a chance." Nishinoya was completely stumped, whimpering as he looked at you and Kenma with whimpering eyes. "I called you two since y'all are dating and close... Do you know what to do?"

"It's not really any of our business. Just go for it if you want to date him." Kenma bluntly replied without flinching, sipping his favorite roasted oolong boba. You were aware that he barely cares enough to bother with Nishinoya's problems. You reached for a popcorn chicken, listening to your boyfriend's honest opinions. "If you're that bothered that you can't find a chance, then make one."

Nishinoya tilted his head in confusion. "Make... one?"

You simply smiled at the male, waving your finger around. "Like make him visit a romantic tourist attraction, take him somewhere nice for a break, make some type of excuse that can give you guys a chance to talk. How about you go to an amusement park? There's a special discount for couples this weekend."

He gasped. "Are you a genius?!"

"Nah, I'm someone who knows how to take a chance unlike a certain someone here." You chuckled sarcastically, making Nishinoya awkwardly laugh by your remark.

"We might... not afford tickets though. We've been saving money, so I don't want to waste all of it..." Nishinoya timidly squirmed.

"Ohho! Are you finally learning to save stuff? Last time I saw you, all of the money I gave you were wasted on souvenirs." Yaku snickered.

You listened to the two ramble on, but you continue to eye at Kenma that looked back at you. Smiling through your straw, you tapped on the surface next to his hand to catch most of his attention. "How rare of you to come. I thought you would refuse to come to the cafe to see Noya."

Kenma grumbled at your words, annoyingly chewing on his straw. "If you didn't trick me into coming, I would've refused if I knew it was about him from the first place."

"And that's why I did that. To bring you here." You giggled. "How about you go give someone love advice in exchange for staying cooped up in your gaming room forever?"

"You know I don't want to."

"I do."

Your fingers on the couch crept to his, teasing them. Kenma looked down at your smaller fingers, rubbing his thumb against them as he held it in his hand. He let out an exhausted sigh. "You tired me out sometimes."

"I know I do." You looked back at the two shorties that were staring at you two. "Oop, sorry. Did we interrupt something?~"

Nishinoya's face plopped on the table, audibly mumbling. "Aghhh... Lucky, you two... can be flirty as much as you want... I haven't held his hand yet!"

"Then just do it if you want to. It's not that hard." Yaku nonchalantly responded, finishing up his mango and passion fruit milk tea. You three looked at him with a grimace as he confusingly looked at you guys. "What?"

"Only you're capable of saying such manly things... You really define a true man, Morisuke!" Nishinoya pointed a thumbs up, but followed up a small exhale afterwards. "What do I do though? I don't got the money for an amusement park... plus would things go smooth?"

You can hear the impatient clacks against the wooden surface near you, eyeing Kenma's slim fingers constantly tapping it. Looking at his face, he seemed highly amused with a smug smirk. "I'll pay for you two only if you make it entertaining and interesting for me" He proposed.

"Eh? Kenma? Really?!" Nishinoya jumped out of his seat, leaning towards your boyfriend, but remained unflinching. "You'll pay? For tickets-?"

You were honestly surprised that he even offered to help him. However, a part of you knew this was for his own entertainment.

"I'll even pay for your plane tickets if you get together." You can see Nishinoya's eyes sparkling which piqued excitement in Kenma. By his foot that kept hitting against the ground and pinky that brushed against his lips, you can already tell by now that there was a scheme in his mind that's maintaining his interest. "Key word. If you two get together. You'll owe me for the tickets if that doesn't happen."

"Don't worry! I'll make it work!" Nishinoya huffed with arms crossed.

Yaku laughed at the confident male. "That's the spirit, Yuu! Go catch Jesus' heart!" You almost spat out your drink at that nickname joke of Asahi's. "Isn't this rare to see you interested, Kenma? What came up?"

"Hmmm..." He hummed, keeping his smirk on his lips as his finger played around the edges of the straw. "Just found a chance to have some fun... Maybe I'll go too."

Immediately, you choked on your drink, patting your chest. It was a sudden surprise to hear Kenma wanting to go out. Even Yaku looked at him, wide-eyed, and mouth open. "Seriously?..." You managed to mutter with him nodding in response. "Are you in need of sleep?... Maybe you need to rest..."

"I'm being serious." Kenma shook off your worried hands, standing up with his hands, fidgeting with an empty boba cup. His slight smile never wavered and it somewhat concerned you. "Don't worry about money. I can cover... I'll send the details over text. See you in the weekend, okay?"

He started to walk off, making you a bit panicky. You gave Nishinoya and Yaku a glance before gathering your drink and food out. Just barely, you can comprehend Yaku's mouth moving that said, "He must love you a lot."

You smiled at his words, mouthing back your response. "I know."

uhm sorry guys im hella busy with school, i almost forgot i wrote fanfics bye im back for a day until a long hiatus again

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