5 - A New Bed

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"Doesn't this look like a nice desk, Kenma?" You questioned him, pointing to a wide black desk and he nodded in response. You two were shopping at Ikea for a new gaming desk for Kenma. It wasn't that hard because he wasn't picky, it's just they both lack strength to carry furniture parts, so they asked Kuroo to tag along. You ended up wandering around in the bed area while Kenma and Kuroo were talking. The king bed seemed nice and soft, you couldn't help touching it. "It would be nice if we can sleep in the same bed together..." you muttered. The both of you have separate rooms, sometimes you sleep together, but it's usually cramped. "Maybe it would be better to share same bedroom..."

"(Y/n)? What are you muttering about?" Kenma asked, which surprised you from his sudden question. "Do you like that bed?"

You let out a small giggle and nodded, "Yeah, it feels pretty nice. Hey, touch it!" Kenma laid his hand on the mattress, his hand kept bouncing up and down from it.

"It does feel nice." He replied, then looked back at you. "Hey... do you want to get this bed?"

Taken aback, you hesitantly questioned, "Isn't it... expensive?" You felt kind of happy that he asked you that, but was concerned over money. He noticed your worries and hugged you.

"It's fine, I have money to spare. Plus it'll be nice if... we can share bedrooms too." He whispered into your ears, making you flush.

*Reminder- he literally makes a ton of money as a CEO and pro gamer

"Would it be fine to share the same bedroom together?" You questioned once more and he nodded. "Really?"

He let out a small laugh and replied certainly, "Of course, we can make it work. I'd really like to sleep together." You both nuzzled your noses excitedly, but you can feel an intimidating aura. The both of you pause to see Kuroo, smile with... a scary aura.

"I get that the two of you want to fuck in the same bed, but seeing you do PDA is embarrassing." Kuroo remarked, of course, it brought shivers to the two of you. You recalled his girlfriend breaking up a few days ago and wanted to hang out to forget his worries. You suddenly felt bad, but he let out a sigh. "Sorry... If you guys want to build the bed, we can." Kenma and you felt cheery to get a new bed. Fortunately, none of you had to carry the heavy furniture, leave it to Kuroo! Poor guy.


"Kenma... I don't understand what any of this say." You spoke as the both of you searched over the instructions to build the bed. You guys planned to keep the gaming computer in the bedroom with the desk already built. None of you knew how to build a bed though. "Hey, translate..."

Kenma sighed in response, "Only Kuroo knows how to translate this... These pictures are weird." The both of you couldn't comprehend the steps for the past hour. "Where do these screws go?"

"What are these little wood planks?" You questioned and Kenma shrugged. "Ohhh, they support the mattress... How the hell can we build this?"

The both of you turned around like you had ideas and exclaimed, "That's it!"

Kenma turned on his phone, quickly dialing in numbers, and held it to his ear. When the call is finally responded, he spoke, "Hey, Kuroo. Help us on building the bed, we haven't even started yet." That's right. Kuroo is the secret weapon if everything goes wrong. He'll clean up your mess, do stuff for you guys, truly the best mom you can have. The both of you are too reliant on him, however he doesn't mind. Kenma turned off his phone and said, "He's coming in a couple minutes, so... I'll take this time to charge up." He leaned over to you for a kiss. He trapped you to the wall and continued to passionately kiss you.

"K-Kenma..." You sighed with satisfaction and he continued to kiss you everywhere. "What if Kuroo comes in on this...?"

Kenma looked down at you and smiled, "Don't worry about it for now. We have a couple minutes to ourselves, you might need to recharge." He continued to embrace you with soft kisses. His hand led to your back, leaving you flush. Suddenly, he wrapped his hand around your thighs and carried you up. You were pretty light, even if he wasn't as strong, he could at least cardy you. Your face dusted more red and he let out his trademark sly smile. "I hope we can finish this quickly... in the restroom." He continued the activity in the restroom with you, leaving you in tatters when Kuroo came.

"You okay, (Y/n)? You're completely a mess..." Kuroo remarked and your cheeks reddened, nodding.

"I was busy chasing a cockroach, you can say." You lied, keeping your hand on your neck where Kenma bit you. Your eyes looked up to Kenma and he smiled. This guy really does like messing with you a lot. Hope you can even keep up with his energy.

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