7 - Pet Names

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It was the morning... Obviously Kenma and you hate mornings, since it's always bright and sunny. You rubbed your eyes and stretched your arms in bed. You glanced at Kenma's sleeping expression. Ah, he looked so peaceful and cute when he sleeps. He looks more comfortable sleeping after you both got a new bed. Even though you've slept together a couple time, it's a bit embarrassing. You can feel his breathing. It feels like if you moved one bit, he'll wake up. Your eyes trailed from his black hair with yellow ends to his mouth. Your face reddened.

"It wouldn't hurt to give him a peck, right?" You thought, leaning over to his lips to give a peck. It looked like it woke him up, he pulled you closer for a deeper kiss. It caught you off guard and he pulled back from your lips. He gave a chuckle as you pouted. "Kenma!"

"Sorry... I thought you want a kiss." He whispered with his slight smile, making you feel helpless against him. "Do you not?"

You hesitated to answer, obviously you want to play "hard to get", but you couldn't help it. "O-Of course, I do..." He gave you another kiss with a smile. "Nngh..." He gave you a quick peck on your neck, leaving you sensitive, giving a sigh of satisfaction. Looks like you excited him and he hovered his body over you. Your face quickly heated up by the current position, covering your face. "Don't guys like pet names in this type of situation?..." a random thought came to you.

"We shouldn't really be doing anything like this early in the morning, right? Sorry, I got carried away." Kenma apologized, slowly getting off of you. You felt a bit disappointed that he gave up, so you tugged on his sleeve. It caught him off guard and turned over to you.

Your face blushed as you stuttered. "B-B-Babe..." The sudden pet name shocked Kenma, impulsively getting on top of you. You desperately hid your face behind your tiny hands, but he easily moved them away to see your embarrassed face.

"Where are you learning to seduce me?" He questioned, making your face blow up in embarrassment. It's not like you can say that you looked it up on the internet before. He gave a smirk before leaning to kiss you. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to do anything early..."


Actually, it hurted a lot. Your body ached all over especially since you just woke up. You could barely feel like getting up anymore. Obviously, Kenma was apologetic to you.

"Sorry..." He whispered to your ears as he embraced you. You wouldn't dare be angry at him after being so cute. You're forgiving of him. "How about we wash up?" Without warning, he carried you up princess-style from the bed. You were still wrapped in sheets, feeling embarrassed.

"K-Kenma...! I can walk by my own!" You exclaimed, but he gave you a quick peck on your forehead, turning beet red. "That's cheating! What the hell did you learn from Kuroo?"

Kenma hummed, "I wonder?" You pouted, giving a soft punch to his chest. He just laughed out of your softness. "This wouldn't happen if you called me, 'babe'. Your fault."

"I won't call you that again then!" You continue to pout, but as he put you down to whisper to your ear...

"Call me that when we do it again then."

​​​​​​​Your face burst red again again when he kissed your neck. What's up with this sly man? He's really seducing you. God, since when did your soft, adorable Kenma grow to have a dark side?

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