21 - Shut You Up

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Curses were slurred out of your mouth every minute. One problem of Kuroo and Bokuto staying over have finally been lifted off your chest, but stress piles up the day after. You find yourself, drinking at least three cups of coffee every day now, wrapped in a blanket as you typed away on your laptop. Projects, homework, everywhere worried you to the core that you started pulling all-nighters.

"(Y/n)... have you been working at the living room since last night?" Kenma yawned, wearily wiping his eyes, looking at you.

"Yeah..." You mumbled, with eyes still on the screen.

You can hear your boyfriend sigh as he sat next to you on the couch, leaning towards your laptop. "You have so many tabs open... Do you want breakfast for a break?"

"They're all for my group project. Fucking bastards left more than half of the work to me. It's due tomorrow. What time is it now?... I'm trying to finish this shitty project, so I'll eat after I finish..." You cursed out, typing pace getting faster. Obviously, you were frustrated with how things are.

"It's due tomorrow, can't they do the rest of the work since you're working this much?"

"Grr, I wish, but all of them are those popular freaks. Saying they're busy to me while I hear club music in the background."

Looking at the time in the corner of your laptop, it read 7:28am, making you groan with forehead resting on your palm. "Already the morning?... Give me a few more hours and I'll eat."

"You said the same thing, but with sleeping, (Y/n)." Kenma commented as he stroked your hair, disrupting your concentration. "Go sleep. I haven't seen you get enough sleep lately."

"I'm not going to finish the project in time..." You sighed, holding onto the side of your hesd to keep you still from the dizziness. Even now, Kenma still strokes your head to reassure you. "Kenma, I need to finish this... My members aren't going to work."

"I'll make them work."


Kenma's hand stretched out to you, gesturing. "Can I have a look at your phone?" Looking at his expression, he looked emotionless as usual, but his eyebrows slightly furrowed and twitched, showing hints of seriousness. Reluctantly, you handed your phone as he unlocked it, going straight to your message. He looked through your messages to find a group chat named for the project you're doing, holding the screen to you. "Is this your group?..."

"Yeah... what do you plan on doing? They're my seniors..." You remarked, showing concern as one of the corners of his lips curved up with his upper lip rising.

"Eh...? Isn't that interesting?" He questioned, maintaining that same smile of his. Whenever he narrows his eyes at you with that smile, it always scares you because it means he's up to something with that arrogant smile. You heard your phone ring, trying to tug on his sleeve to yell at him to stop. However, his hand laid on your cheek with his thumb on your lips, slowly making into your mouth. It startled you, but his free finger laid on his lips to signal you to stay quiet. The other line picked up with it on loudspeaker. "Hello? Is this (Y/n)'s group?"

There was loud music bursting from the line as a voice finally spoke. "Yeah? Who's this? I don't recall knowing a guy like you."

"Sorry, this is (Y/n)'s boyfriend. She's one of your group members. I was wondering if you knew what happened to (Y/n) today?"

"I don't know her, but what up?"

"Actually she fainted from exhausation. She was working hard for the project, but I don't think it can be finished at this rate." Kenma's golden eyes trailed to your lips as his thumb brushed against your lips as you bit onto it. He probably knows you want to yell at him right now for calling your group member so suddenly without telling you. "I wanted to ask if you can finish the last part of the project."

"Hah? I'm pretty busy right now. Being a third year is tough after all. I don't think I can finish."

"You sound pretty busy for someone blasting music in the background. It's fine if you can't. I think (Y/n) won't be able to work on it at all, she'll probably be asleep until tomorrow."

"Excuse me? Stop playing with me, we need that project done. If she can't finish her part, then we'll get an F! (L/n) will be at fault. That's why I don't like these freshmen... can't do anything right. Doing the work she assigned to do for her already shows potential fault to our failure. I did my part, there's no need for me to get involved."

"For the team leader, you barely contributed anything according to the tasks listed. She basically has triple the work that you have. I do think it's unfair to see her take upon all of the difficult work, when it should've been split equally. Only you had the easiest tasks. I really think you have no place to say such things about (Y/n) with how the way things are handled. Perhaps it won't hurt to learn some leadership skills for your sake as the team leader."

Kenma twirled a loose hair strand from his side with his smile curling up a lot more, tight-lipped. He leaned back, relaxing as you stopped biting onto him with a huge red mark around it. His fingers brushed against your hair as he continued nonchalantly. "For your information, (Y/n) is a sophomore, not a freshman. I hope you can remember that fact. Please serve a good example for the members as their leader. I'd be grateful if you can handle the work from here, seeing how hard she's worked and energetic you sound. Ah, sorry, I have to head off. I thank you for your time. Have a great day."

"Hey, I never agr-"

The line cut off as soon as he ended the call. Kenma sighed, turning to you, giving a gentle smile. He stroked your head as he pulled your head down to his lap. "You're done with work for today. Good job."

You growled. "Kenma! You can't just call the team leader like that!-"

"I don't see why not. If your team leader can't take upon any work he assigns, then he shouldn't be called a leader. Besides you deserve the rest. I think he seems like he had enough sleep to continue working. Have the day off."

You looked up at Kenma with that lazy smile on his face as he stared down at your face. Puffing up your cheeks, you flipped yourself over to avoid looking at him. "It's no fair you act so cool... How did I get such a great boyfriend?... I'm almost jealous because you can do anything."

"That's an exaggeration." He remarked with his hands tracing your thighs, picking you off thr couch. It surprised you, wrapping your arms around his neck with a flustered face. "Let's go sleep on the bed. It will be more comfortable for your beauty sleep."

"K-Kenma! I'm fine, I can walk by my own!" You pounded on his chest as he carried you to the bedroom. "Aren't I heavy? Your arms will break!"

He smiled over to you. "You may be heavy, but it's nothing compared to dragging a drunk Kuroo across the street." Kenma carefully placed you on the bed, snuggling to you as he pulled up the blanket. "Go sleep."


"No but's. I'm keeping all of your school work until I see those bags gone. You've been worrying me for a while, so I think this is fair. Your leader is already annoying enough, don't make me shut you up too, unless..." Kenma's body hovered over you under the blanket, making your face flush red as his hand crawled underneath your shirt. He licked from his top lip to the bottom, brushing against his thumb. Locking eyes with you, his eyelids drooped along with his smile, slowly curling up into a loose smirk. "I don't mind if you insist on not sleeping."

You can feel your face steam up at his assertiveness on you, feeling his face slowly making its way to the crook of your neck. Tickled by the touch, you finally gave in. "I get it! I'll sleep, stop teasing me like that, Kenma..."

Kenma rolled back to your side with his smirking faltering already into a smile. Patting your head, he remarked. "That's good. Glad that you know when to sleep now." He scares you sometimes when he suddenly switches sides like a flop. It always flusters you. What frustrates you the most is that he's way too damn cool that you don't believe he's your boyfriend. Even he needs his moments to be there for you when you're in need.

A Cozy Life With Pudding || Kozume KenmaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin