12 - Your Lifeline's Influence

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"KENMA!" You screamed as you threw yourself onto him. Your eyes were slightly tearing up, making him confused. "THERE'S COCKROACHES IN THE ROOM! THREE OF THEM! THEY ALREADY RAN AWAY THOUGH, NOW THEY'RE HIDING!" Kenma was shakened by the news, making him hug you back.

He tried to stay rational, but his hands shivered with his forehead scrunched up. "Everything... is fine." Kenma clearly didn't look fine. Both of you share the same fear of cockroaches. You guys were fine with small critters, but when it came to cockroaches, they were larger than normal ones. You guys can swat it away off to a window, but when it came to hiding in the house... both of you get anxious. "We have a lifeline after all..."

You knew what that called for. He quickly picked up his phone with his thumb, quickly dialing in numbers. Both of you leaned your ears to the phone as you waited for the other line to pick up. "Hello? What's up, Kenma?" Kuroo's voice echoed through your ears. Your lifeline is... Kuroo, himself. Always called him for emergencies that you guys can't handle.

"K-Kuroo..." Your voice trailed off, stuttering. "There's... 3 cockroaches living in the house..."

"And you want me to exterminate it?" He questioned, hearing him sigh. "I get it, I get it. I'm coming." He always had accepted your guys' ridiculous requests no matter what. You appreciate him for that, so you always make sure you get him treats. Kenma cuddled with you with a blanket surrounding you to protect yourself from the things both of you fear until Kuroo comes.


Finally, the door opened to reveal Kuroo. Both of you sighed in relief as his eyes trailed to look at you fools. "What are you doing...?" He questioned, but sighed and continued anyways. "Whatever... where's the fuckers at?"

"We... don't know..." You mumbled, cuddling up to Kenma, shaking. "We watched them... crawl all over... it's scary."

"You guys are sure ridiculous. You're bigger than them, yet you're freaking out..." Kuroo remarked, grabbing an empty spray bottle, filling it with water. "Heartless too, you should think of their families too."

That remark confused you, making you question. "Families?"

As Kuroo pours dish soap into the water filled spray bottle, he closed it, and started shaking. He started to continue. "Think about it if we were the cockroaches, they would be intimidated by you guys and run and hide. If they were bigger than you, then you'd feel the same too. Whatever cockroaches you're talking about, they're probably a family. It would be sad to kill them..." Kuroo put on a sad facade, he seemed to daze off with a sorrowful expression. You started to feel empathy, listening to the cockroaches' situation.

"Those cockroaches... are the same size though... can cockroaches commit polygamy?" Kenma's ridiculous question popped up, catching Kuroo off-guard.

"Don't ask something like that, Kenma! That's ruining the atmosphere!" Kuroo shouted and then cleared his throat. "Anyways... I just feel bad for the cockroaches... they might scare people with their weird nature, but... if you want to kill them, do so... peacefully. They did nothing wrong, then watch you sleep, crawl on you, hide probably in your underwear drawer, but nothing to offend you!"

Kuroo continued his inspiring speech about cockroaches as your eyes trailed off to a cockroach, crawling on the wall behind Kuroo. You bursted off from the blanket and pointed, yelling. "THERE IT IS!" Quickly, Kuroo quickly sprayed it with the soapy water, which made it fall to the fall. He spritzed some soapy suds on it, waiting for it to stop squirming. His reflexes was damn fast, you didn't even notice.

"To kill them peacefully... is like this." He continued with a soft grin, but it didn't seem convincing to you anymore.

"Isn't your method another way of choking oxygen out of a cockroach?... Wouldn't we die too?" You questioned, feeling a bit scared to see the cockroach slowly stopping its movements. "It's dead..."

You saw Kuroo's soft grin curl up to his cat-like grin, which shakened you as soon as he placed his hand with you. His expression started ro darken as he held the spray bottle with other hand near your mouth. "Want to test the theory if you'll die?" He questioned, but your head instinctly shook no. "It's nontoxic, don't worry. Even a kid can drink this much."

"Kuroo, the cockroaches!" Kenma exclaimed and Kuroo quickly looked away to the two cockroaches, sitting on the wall that was disrupted by the soapy water sprayed on them. Kuroo kept spraying until soap suds form on their bodies and stopped struggling. "You killed every single cockroach in less than 10 minutes..."

"I obtained this skill from the constant calling of both of yours to exterminate these fuckers. Remember though..." Kuroo raised his finger towards you. "Only you're capable of doing this... Kenma literally can't, so I trust you... Let's hold a burial." He grabbed newspaper to grab all of the three roaches in it. Kuroo gestured for the both of you to follow him to the restroom. Once you did, he aggressively threw the roaches in the toilet. It surprised the both of you, but he continued with flushing. His hands were clasped together and prayed. "Goodbye... Saburo. Kaburo. Zuburo..." You and Kenma looked at each other confusingly, but both of you proceeded to pray, questioning Kuroo's sanity.


"Hey, (Y/n)... there's a cockroach-" Before Kenma can finish his sentence, you quickly brought a spray bottle full of soapy water. Without hesitation, you sprayed the cockroach at first sight. It was immediately covered in soap suds as its movements slowed.

Kenma stood speechless as he watched you grab the cockroach with newspaper and went to the restroom. You dumped the roach in the toilet, flushing it. Your hands clasped and started praying. "Goodbye..." You hesitated to think of a name for the roach. "It has long legs like... oh... I guess... goodbye Lev."

"Is she trying to kill our old members now?" Kenma questioned, feeling a bit afraid by your sudden change of actions. Maybe Kuroo is really rubbing off on you two...



Some place far away, the half-Russian that stood tall, gave a large sneeze. It surprised everyone around him and a large snot came from his nose and shivered. "Geh... I feel like someone is talking about me..." Lev thought, feeling chills up his spine. "Is someone killing me?"

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