6 - Baking With My Cute Boyfriend

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"Hey everyone! Welcome to the baking stream!" You greeted to Kenma's stream on his phone. The both of you were wearing aprons with tied up hair. Kenma was heavily requested to do a baking stream with you on apple pie. You recalled the struggles on making one, but wanted to be professional, so you researched as much tips as possible. "We're making apple pie today! Exactly like Apple's user!" You make sure not to mention his real name and used his username commonly used. You couldn't help, but stare at Kenma. He looked nice in a red apron, you both were matching. You find his tied up hair quite attractive, but he caught your glance, making you turn away. "Ahhh, he looks so cute." You kept thinking.

It was a great start to the baking stream, both of you laughed at your silly mistakes and immature techniques. "Hey, is this how you do it?" He questioned you, showing the dough in the bowl.

"Oh my god, it actually looks pretty good!" You exclaimed, getting a feel on it. "It's perfect! Now we refrigerate this... for an hour. Do we pause the stream or something?" You watch the chat fill up with 'no's' and suggested to do something while waiting like games. "Let's play Animal Crossing until it's fully refrigerated then!"

Kenma let out a small smile and put up his phone, talking to them, "We'll be pausing the stream to clean up some stuff... we'll be right back." He paused the stream on his phone and sighed.

You noticed his sigh and asked, "What's wrong, Kenma? You seemed a bit weird today." He smiled when he looked into your face. His hand wrapped between your thighs, which surprised you. You were then carried up, making you latch around his neck. "K-Kenma?..." He let you down on the flour covered counter top. "You're going to get my skirt dirty..."

"That's the point." Kenma remarked, nuzzling his face into your chest. "That setter from Aoba Johsai a long time ago kept pointing out your body and the chat went along with it... I don't want your body to stand out too much. He's annoying, he had his eyes set on you for a long time..." He was soooo cute. You patted his head and buried your face into his hair. You couldn't believe that he might actually be jealous, but his behavior was so cute.

"Awww, that's so cute... I'm sorry I promise I won't wear anything revealing on stream, okay?..." You promised and he nodded in agreement.

"One condition, I choose what you wear." He added on, and you nodded. His face reached up to your neck and whispered, "Good..." Kenma kept sucking on your neck multiple times, leaving his love bites all around.

"Kenmaaa! What if stream sees these!" You exclaimed, but he just gave you a smile.

"Don't worry, you can work around it." He replied, pulling up a hoodie that matching to his. "Wear this."

You grabbed the matching hoodie and laughed, "That's so cute? You want to match?" He shyly nodded and you gave a smile. "I'll change my bottoms... wait for me, okay?" You quickly rushed to the bedroom to get leggings, but your legs felt so weak that you fell to your knees. "Oh my god... how did I get a boyfriend so cute?" You pulled the hoodie strings to only show your face, but coming to Kenma in that state made him laugh including chat. It was a ridiculous look.


As time passed, with a long time of waiting and gaming, the final results are here. Delicious, scrumptious apple pie. It actually looked pretty good and smelled great. The overwhelming aroma got the two of you drooling on stream. You held the pie up for stream to see and they all complimented on how good it looks. You cut a slice of pie each for you and Kenma. The both of you took a bite at once.

"Oh my gosh, it tastes so good!" You felt content with the results and so is Kenma.

"Wow, it does... I'm surprised that the dough came up good." Kenma remarked and you giggled. "I guess I could only get good results thanks to Cherry." You're referred as Cherry or cherrypi on stream to match with Kenma. You laid your head on Kenma's shoulder as the two of you play Animal Crossing while eating apple pie. There were several moments when he kissed your head on stream or just lovey-dovey moments in general which got your chat aweinf at the cute couple.

You noticed a certain comment from someone familiar and read it out loud, "immablockyourface: im coming for the pie." The both of you were aware that user was Kuroo and came to a sudden realization. "OH MY GOD, HE'S-"

Before you can finish your sentence, he opened the door and barged in, yelling. "B*TCHES, WHY Y'ALL EATING PIE WITHOUT ME!"

"WHAT THE HELL, KUR-" That was where the stream left off. Everyone questioned the hell happened there, but you can say... it was a disaster. The both of you ended up sharing pie with Kuroo and left satisfied. "Oh my god, did he really just came here to eat pie?"

"Guess so." Kenma replied, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. You can feel his breath on your neck, making you sensitive. "You actually hid these marks though."

You pouted, "You caused trouble for me to hide them..." He gave a laugh and buried his face into your neck. "Don't laugh!"

"You're so cute..." He muttered, kissing your cheeks and you kissed him back. "I wonder how I got a girlfriend this cute." That remark made your face flush even more, but you stayed quiet due to embarrassment. He nibbled on your ear and whispered, "I'm going to keep you all night in return for the pie..." You really just energized him with apple pie and just your presence. The results? Youtube videos of cute moments of the pie couple.

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