10 - Christmas War

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It's finally here.... Christmas! The joyful holiday that you and Kenma always celebrate together. Today, Kuroo will be staying over to celebrate. You were walking home, feeling content with christmas cake in your hand. "I wonder if Kenma will like the cake! Maybe I should've bought pie instead, but this is fine!" You thought as you approached the door to your home. Your excitement broke away as soon as you got in. Why did your excitement fade away? You saw Kenma with a santa hat, laying in top of Kuroo with elf ears next to the christmas tree. It seemed a bit sexy with their light shirts, but you were disappointed. "Could've told me if you wanted me to come home later."

"W-Wait, (Y/n)! I swear I'm not gay!" Kuroo yelled, pushing Kenma off his body. "It was an accident, I swear!" You continued to stare in disgust.

He murmured, "Sorry... Kuroo helped me when I fell... I tried putting on the star on the tree."

If Kenma was apologizing to you, it was hard to get mad. You pouted, "I forgive you two." Kenma seemed a bit more relieved by your forgiveness. You didn't want to admit that you wanted to be in the same position as Kuroo. "I brought cake... oh wait, you're streaming?"

"Yeah, heyyyy, streammm! Look! It's Cherry with... reindeer ears!" Kuroo exclaimed, quickly and sloppily placing reindeer ears on your head. You were surprised and he placed a bit of red marker on your nose. You watched as the stream chat burst out with compliments, calling you cute. It embarrassed you, but you played along with Kuroo's playfulness. "How's everyone's Christmas?!"

Kuroo has been talking with Kenma's stream for a bit. You gestured Kenma into the kitchen and brought up whipped cream with a playful smirk. He seemed clueless regardless, but to give him a better image, you put a ton of whipped cream on a paper plate. You whispered, "Kenma, cover me. I can't be seen by stream..."

Of course, he sighed, feeling troubled by the situation, but he's willing to do anything for you. He slowly approached Kuroo while you hid behind him. Kuroo turned and remarked, "Oya? You're back-" Before he could finish his sentence, you slammed the plate of whipped cream onto his face. Whipped cream was smeared all over his face, but mostly his chin.

As he wiped cream off his eyes, he glared at you, but put on his trademark smirk. He gathered cream off his face and piled it in his hand, starting to approach you. "Bitch come over here-"

"Bitch NO, that literally came from your face!" You hid behind Kenma again, using him as a shield every time Kuroo tried to turn. "HIT KENMA! I DARE YOU!"

"I only want to hit you, bitch!" Kuroo quickly turned to the side to pull you away from Kenma and smacked his pile of cream on your face. He laughed at the sight where you were in the same situation as him.

"WHAT THE FUCK, KUROO?!" You cursed out loud, bringing the can of whipped cream. "We're starting war, buddy."

"Oya? Starting war? Ridiculous. Don't you think so, Ken-" He paused to look at Kenma, who was filling bowls with whipped cream. "K-Kenma?" Kenma grabbed whipped cream with his hands and smiled. "S-Seriously?"

You smirked and yelled, "OPERATION START!" The war started. Kuroo was seen by stream, miserably abused by you and Kenma with whipped cream. Kuroo used cream that was thrown at his body to throw back. The whole room has been dirtied with cream, but it looked like these 3 fools were more dirty. "You have an insane amount of stamina... I can't keep up."

"That's why you don't start a war with me. Even with the both of your strengths together... I'm more superior." Kuroo let out his cackling laugh, making you sigh in disappointment. He turned to stream, saying, "Sorry, stream! We'll be pausing to clean up the mess!" As he paused the stream, he turned to the pair. "Since I won, I have rights to clean up the mess you made on me first~ Ciao, ciao losers." He quickly rushed to the restroom to avoid your nagging, but you seemed too tired to even rebuke.

Kenma wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you to rest your head on his chest. He asked with a concerned tone, "Are you okay? I already knew it was a bad idea from the first place." You nodded in response with a sigh. He kept comforting you with his pets. "Did something hit your head or something?"

"No! You make it sound like I'm stupid!" You pouted, but continued to tuck your head into his chest. "But... it was a lot fun... you were smiling and having fun too..." Kenma gave a smile and lifted your face up. He leaned over to your cheek to lick the remaining cream. The sensation of his tongue brushing against your cheek felt ticklish and made you red. "K-Kenma... That's dirty..."

Kenma's tongue trailed down to your lips, gently pressing his lips against yours. His hand slowly crept up to your cheek and wiped some cream with his thumb. He gently pushed you down until you hit the side of your dining table and got you pinned down. You indulged into his kisses full of cream. You managed to whisper, "What if... Kuroo sees?"

He grabbed your hand and kissed your palm, catching you off guard. Kenma whispered into your ears, "You should be thinking about me... not Kuroo..." If he kept tempting you like that, it was hard to resist. "Maybe... I should give my reindeer a test ride if she isn't feeling so well... It would be bad for me..." You can feel his cold hand crawling underneath your shirt, making you shiver a bit, but he reassured with a few pecks. It was really unfair of him to use some sly tricks on you. You felt the atmosphere heating up between you and Kenma with the many kisses you both shared and touched.

"So like.... Sorry to interrupt the mood here, but I'm literally here..." Kuroo suddenly spoke that caught the both of you off guard and quickly looked at him. "How bold of you to be making out here."

After a light scolding from Kuroo, you both felt very embarrassed and ashamed by your behavior... The Christmas stream continued like the time they paused never happened until Kuroo got wasted which ended the stream. You looked at Kuroo's sleeping face, that was very red and drooled all over. "Holy crap, he finally gets wasted after 2 bottles?"

"It's not surprising that he built up his tolerance by drinking a lot." Kenma remarked, grabbing a mug of hot chocolate for you along with a peck on your forehead. "It feels like every time we have a stream, we always drink."

"I feel like I got better at holding my drinks ever since we held drinking streams... It feels pretty nice...." You felt proud of your accomplishment and Kenma chuckled. "What are you laughing at?"

"I don't know, must be because of the sake. You just look cute right now." He replied, making you flustered, but you drank hot chocolate away to try to calm your red face down. Kenma pulled the curtains to see snow falling and it caught your attention. You stood by him to watch the snow fall.

A huge smile formed on your face and you exclaimed, "It's pretty!" You continue to gaze at the sight of snow falling at the night. Kenma sat you down on the floor with a blanket around you two. "Hey, Kenma... isn't this a fun Christmas?"

"It is." He replied, giving a smile back at you, holding your cold hands. You felt warm sitting next to Kenma, staring at a beautiful sight, You both continued to watch the snow fall until you slept with both of your cold hands stuck together.

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