Birthday Special <3

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"Hey, Kenma! Do you want anything for your birthday?" You curiously questioned the boy, hopping around him with his eyes still on his video games. His bleached hair swayed to the sides as you smiled. "It's coming next week, you should tell me what you like!"

The boy with the pudding hair let out a huge sigh before sneaking a glance at you. "I already told you the games I want over and over. What else do you want?"

"Hmmm... like food and anything, but gaming!"


With lips forming a pout, you stood in the boy's way as he came to a halt by your feet in his peripheral vision. His head tiredly lifts up at you as complaints flew out of your mouth. "Don't give me that half-assed response! There should be something you like at least from whatever Kuroo makes or buys for you!"

"I said there's none."

"Gosh, it's so hard to deal with you..." Another sigh escaped while you twirled around as you jumped on each stone squares of the sidewalk. "Then, what was the last thing you had anything good? What was it?" You continue to block the boy's path, groaning by your stubbornness. "So, did you think of something?" His head tilted away from you, building up some frustration. "Come on, please? At least one thing that comes to mind..."

He pursed his lips, pressured by your brilliant stare at him. It never let go of him, it still awaits an answer. He heaved a sigh, finally. "Apple pie..."

"Stop scratching the couch, Berry." The same male struggled to take his clingy child off the couch. "(Y/n) will get mad." He grumbled at the cat that was trying to reach her arms over to him. "You used to be gentle when you're little. How did you grow to take after your mom?" Berry let out a large mewl, kicking Kenma away, and strutted to the couple's bedroom. "You're really annoying..."

His golden eyes trailed over the polaroids of your smiles that were plastered above the television. He could look at the sight all day long if he wanted to. But he wanted to see your smile in person the most. And he already knows he will. You would be the only reason why he'll be tired of gaming at times.

He laid on his back of the couch, hoping to fall asleep sooner. If he did, he'll see you sooner. He could stay up all night with his games and forget the time. But not with you, he was tired of the time.

"(Y/n) said she'll get mad if I cancel my birthday stream. A lot of people sent me birthday wishes." He sighed, leaning forward to grab the mandarins already peeled for him. You were rather amusing to watch. Your smiles. Your laughs. Your many expressions. He can't wait to see them again.

The male cocked his head up when he heard a knob unlock distantly. He stood up, lingering by the entrance to where the door will be. The door slowly creaked open to show the sight of you, carefully holding a white box, see-through to see a top of a pie. He was not surprised anymore. Every birthday, that's what you bring him. You panted as if you walked miles just to be there as soon as you can. Cheerfully, your lips curled up into the smile that he adored. "Sorry, I'm late... Happy birthday, Kenma!"

He could never be tired of that sight, nearing towards you with a slight smile as well. "... Thanks..." Never can he admit that he'll be happy just to be with you for the whole day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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