4 - Hot Chocolate

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It's the most painful time of the month and you've groaning on the couch for a while now with a heating pad on your stomach. Not fun at all. Kenma has been next to you the whole time. You guys try to play Animal Crossing, but sometimes you give up on playing since the cramps get overwhelming. You hated this period of time.

Kenma was worried for you and asked, "Do you need anything?" You shook your head in midst of the pain. Your arms reached over to Kenma and he carefully picked you up from your laying position. Your cramps feel worse as you get up, but he got himself behind you and cuddled with you. You felt a bit better by his cuddles. You laid back your head on his chest and he kissed your check. He received another kiss back from you, but you felt drowsy. His hands held the heating pad on your stomach, changing the tv to anime.

"Mhmm... thanks... Kenma..." You thanked weakly, giving in to his comfort. He was a loving and caring boyfriend, willing to put down his video games for you if you're in need. That side of him was touching. "You... can keep... playing if you... want."

Kenma kissed the corner of your eye and hugged you a bit closer, reassuring, "I already changed it to anime, plus we can't play if you're in pain. We can play when you get better."

"Mmmhmmm... I love you." You muttered, looking up and kissing his chin. His cheeks blushed a bit and kissed you back on your jaw.

"Yeah... me too..." He shyly replied, watching you slowly fall asleep on his chest. You eventually fell asleep.


It's been a few hours since you slept, now you finally woke up. You ended up waking up in your bedroom. The cramps were relieved a bit and you rubbed your eyes wearily. You noticed that Kenma wasn't around, but you were too lazy to get out off your bed. The door slowly crept open and Kenma and Kuroo peeked off the door.

"Yo!" Kuroo greeted you with his usual cat-like smile and you waved at him. "Girls have it tough." You saw Kenma carry a mug of hot chocolate and that piqued your interest. "We made you hot chocolate."

Looking at hot chocolate made you excited and Kenma sat it down on your bedside drawer along with some snacks. You quickly grabbed the hot chocolate and drank it. You were satisfied with it.

"How is it?" Kenma asked and you gave a thumbs up. He gave a smile of relief. "That's good."

"What are you doing here anyways, Kuroo?" you questioned.

"Ah- well-" Before Kuroo can speak, Kenma quickly covered his mouth, leaving you confused. "What's wrong, Kenma? You-" Kenma acted like a cat for a moment, glaring at Kuroo. He simply laughed it off.

"You can leave now." Kenma kept glaring at Kuroo and pushed him out of the room. They eventually left and only Kenma came back. He snuggled himself into your bed with his arm around your shoulder. "Sorry... I called Kuroo to teach me how to make hot chocolate... I haven't been a reliable boyfriend at all..." He seemed down that he might be helpless, but you hugged him.

You nuzzled your face into his chest and reassured him, "Nooooooo, you're always the best. You comfort me a lot, you're the best boyfriend I can have!" He gave a kind smile and hugged you back. You both ended up cuddling in bed for the rest of the day.


It's over! You cried in joy, however, now your boyfriend has a cold. He kept your distance from you and had a face mask. He's been in bed for a while, coughing and burning up. Of course, you made sure to take good care of him with cold towels on his forehead.

"Get better, Kenma." You said to him, his eyes kept searching over you and nodded. You brought out a cup of hot chocolate for him. He weakly drank it and widened his eyes.

"It's good..." he murmured, continuing to drink it and you felt content that he liked it. "I should learn how to make hot chocolate..."

You laughed, "Don't worry, I can teach you anytime." You leaned over to him for a kiss and his face flushed.

"Hey, you're going to catch my cold..." His hand covered his mouth and you smiled.

"Maybe that's the point... make some hot chocolate for me when I'm sick." You gave him another kiss on the lips, he eventually gave in and put his hand through your (h/c) locks. He pulled you down boldly and you were on top of him.

Kenma gave you a sly smile, bringing your face closer to his. "Then don't blame me if you get a serious cold." He pulled you aggressively and cover your body and his under the blanket. Ahem. No, you didn't do anything dirty. You both slept and cuddled again... both of you are sick now, great.

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