ˣ.⁵year 2003

Magsimula sa umpisa

And as she was out of sight, Blaise leaned against the wall, huffing. "Fuck."

 Athena was sitting in her office, a sigh leaving her lips

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Athena was sitting in her office, a sigh leaving her lips.

She just called her Aunt Nat, wanting to check in with all of them. And thankfully, they'd been alright. All of them had been doing something to pass the time, the only thing worrying her being Clint's new job. And maybe, how her Uncle Thor had been doing.

She asked Natasha for the man's address, wanting to go see him again. The last time she had seen him was four years ago, back when they went on a mission to go kill Thanos.

So after, receiving the address emailed to her, she waited until her was over, and teleported there.


The fresh smell of an ocean sea hit Athena as soon as she reached her destination. Her legs moved on its own, walking around the place as she just observed in awe. In all her twenty-three years of living, this would be the first time she's been to a place like this.

New places always amazed her, and this one right here did so as well. Despite it just looking like a simple village beside the sea, Athena couldn't help but awe at the somewhat joyous modd shared between the people of New Asgard. They all conversed with each other freely, smiles and laughs shared. Though something still felt off.

As she walked through the small village, those who resided at the place could easily tell she was a foreigner. Not just because of her facial expressions, but also because of how she dressed. She simply looked way too formal to be in a place like this.

"Can I help you?" A voice asked, catching her attention. She turned around, seeing a curly, brown haired woman standing there.

Athena smiled at her. "Yeah, I'm looking for a guy named Thor? Long hair, blonde, gruff voice-"

"I know who you talking about, don't worry." She scoffed. "Follow me."

"Does Uncle Thor still run the place?" Athena asked, starting a conversation as she didn't want it to be an awkward journey to the man.

The woman raised a brow at the name. "Uncle? I didn't know Loki had a child..."

"Er- no." The Black shook her head. "He raised me, along with like a lot of other people, so technically he's like an uncle to me. Not biological in anyway,"

"Hm, makes sense." The woman hummed. "Anyways we're here."

Athena looked up at the small shack-like house. The woman knocked, well more like banged, on the door loudly.

"Thor! I've got a visitor for you!" She yelled, the door opening. Athena didn't know what to feel when she saw the man that opened her door. Shock was one of them for sure though.

"Valkyrie! What are you doin- ATHENA!" Thor, who looked extremely different, exclaimed, tumbling over and wrapping Athena in a bear hug. He then let her go, placing her back down in front of him. "How are you? Oh my, you've grown so much! I swear the last time I saw you was when you were wee tall!" He then proceeded to hold his arm up around the height of his (saggy) pecks, motioning Athena's height in the previous years.

Athena laughed. "It's nice to see you too, old man. And the last time you saw me was four years ago. That's how tall I was during my sixth year."

"Oh." Thor stopped. He then proceeding to go back inside the house, gesturing Athena to come inside as well. "Well, come in! I've missed you loads pup!"

Athena chuckled. She then turned around to look at the woman who escorted her. "Thank you... uh..."

"Valkyrie. And it's no problem kid. Just hope that you manage with your uncle for more than an hour."

Athena then entered the house, before waving good-bye to Valkyrie. As she walked through the hall-way, she couldn't help but place a charm over her nose, preventing herself from smelling the rotten scent. Entering the living room, Thor was already getting comfortable on a chair a beer in hand, and near him were two other figures. One large, blue and rocky, and the other, purple, small and beetle-like.

"Make yourself home, Fi!" Thor pointed towards the darkening armchair in front of him, as he sat down on one as well. He then pointed towards the two figures, starting with the blue one first. "Meet my pals, Korg and Miek."

"What's up lady! Feel free to log into the wifi! No password of course..." Korg exclaimed, raising an arm to wave at her then continuing to play the video game displayed on the small television.

"So! How are ya Fi? You look all fancy and formal right now, did'ya just come back from work?" Thor asked, taking a sip from the bottle of beer. He then grabbed another beer bottle from the bucket of ice. "Ya want one?"

Athena shrugged. "Sure. I've had one hell of a week anyways." She took the bottle from her uncle, flicking the metal cap away with her fingers. "And yeah I did. I recently got a promotion in my department and now..." She took a sip of the beer. "I'm now second-in-command."

"Holy shit that's amazing Athena! How often do you work? You just graduated like, five years ago, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah, and I go in everyday, unless I ask for day-offs."

"'s probably why you got the promotion!" The man exclaimed.

"Yeah... Anyways, what've you been up to? I'm sorry that I haven't visited you since... four years ago..."

Thor shook his head. "'s alright, Miek and Korg have kept me company. We've just been playing games, drinking, the usual."

Athena furrowed her brows worriedly, nodding her head as she pretended she understood what he meant. "Right... What game is uh, Korg playing anyways?"

"Oh! It's a video game called Fortnite. And it's where you-"

Thor then proceeded to explain the rules and objective of the game and even offered Athena to play with them. Of course, she agreed, wanting to spend as much time with her Uncle. She had missed him, and it honestly made her sad upon how life had been treating him during these four years.

So she just planned to visit him more frequently in the future, knowing that - despite having his friends and other Asgardians with him right now - he needed his family.

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