✿ Chifuyu // Skateboarding ✿

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SkAteR gOrl

I'm rlly into skateboarding and it's literally just because of Sk8-

I thought of this bc one time when I was skating down a hill, I was caught off guard and I lost my balance. Then I fell on my ass and I kinda fucked up the back of my thighs. They were bruised for a week.

Warnings: a bit of blood

Fem reader


First Person POV:

I was riding my skateboard to the park like usual. There wasn't anyone around so I didn't have to stop or watch out for anyone. Gave me more room to try rail slides.

I was soon nearing the playground. I looked down at my board to adjust my footing. Big. Mistake. The moment I look up, I see a blonde figure becoming more apparent very fast. Well shit.

"Oi watch out!!"

I yell in a panic, trying to swerve around them and keep my own balance. Yeeeeeah that failed. I was too late on turning and I flung myself to the side to avoid colliding with them. I fell onto the rode and was about to get up in an adrenaline rush, but then a stinging pain in my arms set in. I look at the outer sides of my forearms, and I scraped an entire layer of skin. This is what I get for rolling my sleeves up all the time.

"Hey are you ok??"

A voice called out to me. I look up to see a blonde male crouching down in front of me. He looked,, oddly familiar... Oh wait. He asked me a question. No time to stare at him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Sorry, I should've been looking where I was going"

I said, standing up and dusting myself off. He stood up as well, but then grabbed my arm and turned it to look. I pull my arm away and roll down my jacket sleeves to hide my injuries.

"You're injured-"

"It's fine. This happens all the time"

I interrupted and waved my hands in front of me. He looked at me with a displeased face.

"That doesn't mean it's ok. Let me help you patch them up. It was my fault that you crashed."

The male took my wrist into his hand and pulled me off of the road back onto the side walk. He sat me down on one of the swings in the playground.

"Stay here. I'm going to run to the convenience store to get some supplies"

He told me. I nodded in reply and watched as he ran down the street and disappear into the distance.

I gently rocked myself back and forth on the swing using my legs, waiting for that blonde boy to return. I looked at my skateboard that still layed on the grass from when I fell.

"Number 173 of almost crashing into people"

I sigh, disappointed that I still haven't been able to figure out how to maneuver around people or sudden obstacles. A glimpse of someone coming from the distance caught my attention and I could make out the features of who it was to be the blonde boy.

He quickly made his way down the small grassy hill to me, and set down the bag he was holding on the ground. Crouching down beside me, he carefully rolled up my sleeves to reveal my bleeding arm. He winced at the sight, but I was already used to it. I noticed he was looking around at my arm too, before looking up at me.

"You don't take care of your injuries, do you?"

He asked in concern. Ah. He must've noticed the loads of scars I have on my arms from previous incidents. I awkwardly look away and rub the back of my neck.

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