1| Cass and the Leviathans

Start from the beginning

It was the first time I saw him since before Zep was born and it looked like he was doing worse than Sam. Who, as it turns out, was apparently hallucinating Lucifer, but we'll get more on that later. Death agreed to make another lunar eclipse if we could convince Cass to put the souls back in Purgatory, so that was our next step.

I was sick of being around the house, so while Bobby kept an eye on the kids, Sam, Dean, Cass and I went back to the warehouse where the first showdown was.

"We need the right blood," Cass gasped from where he was sitting on the floor. "There's a small jar- end of the hall, s-supply closet."

"Got it," Sam said, hurrying out of the room.


I glanced over as Dean got closer to the dying angel. He was still an angel, despite what he said. He still had his wings. The only reason the angel blade didn't work on him when Sam stabbed him before was because of all the extra soul power inside of him.

"What, you need something else?" Dean asked him.

"No. I feel regret, about you and Eleanor, and what I did to Sam."

"Yeah, well, you should."

I glared over at Dean, and he shrugged at me before turning his attention back to Cass.

"If there was time, if I was strong enough, I'd- I'd fix him now. I just wanted to make ammends before I die."

"Okay," Dean nodded.

"Is it working?" Cass asked hopefully.

"Does it make you feel better?"

"No. You?"

"Not a bit."

Sam still hadn't shown back up with the blood, and the lunar eclipse Death made was upon us.

"Where's Sam? It's go time," I looked to Dean.

He ran off to find him and the blood and returned a moment later with a jar, but no Sam. He shook his head at me, hurrying over to draw the symbol on the wall before it was too late. I headed over and helped Cass to his feet, helping him closer to the wall. As Dean began the recitation, Cass looked over at me.

"I'm sorry, Eleanor."

Dean finished and a bright light shot from Cass's body as the souls all returned to Purgatory through the portal. When it died down, the angel's body collapsed to the floor and was still.

"Cass?" Dean called out.

I knelt down, checking for a pulse.

"He's cold," I muttered.

"Is he breathing?" Dean asked.

"No," I shook my head.

"Maybe angels don't need to breathe."

"He's gone, Dean."

"Damn it. Cass, you child. Why didn't you listen to me?"

Suddenly, Cass shot up, gasping for air.

"Cass?! Hey! Hey! Okay. Alright."

"That was unpleasant," Cass grunted.

"Let's get him up," Dean said. "Easy, there."

We each grabbed one of Cass's arms, helping him to his feet once more.

"I'm alive."

"Looks like," I nodded.

"I'm astonished. Thank you- both of you."

"We were mostly... just trying to save the world."

"I'm ashamed. I really overreached."

"You think?" Dean snapped.

I glared at him again and this time he just glared back. I didn't really blame him for snapping at Cass for what he did, but we didn't want to drive him away when we just got him back.

"I'm gonna find some way to redeem myself to both of you," the angel informed us.

"Alright, well, one thing at a time," I said. "Come on. Let's get you out of here. Come on."

As Dean and I were helping him toward the entrance, he suddenly pushed us both away, doubling over as if in pain.

"You need to run now! I- I can't hold them back!"

"Hold who back?" Dean and I chorused.

"They held on inside me. Guys, they're so strong."

"Who the hell-?"

"Leviathan!" Cass yelled. "I can't fight them. Run!"

"Go!" Dean told me. "Go get Sam! Go get Sam!"

Before I could move, Cass suddenly straightened up, smiling maliciously.

"Too late," he said, but it sounded like multiple voices speaking at once.

Black goo was dripping from his body.

"Cass?" Dean asked hesitantly.

"Cass is- he's gone," the creature said. "He's dead. We run the show now. Ah. Oh, this is going to be so much fun."

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