"No.We both can manage" Faith kindly rejected her twin's offer and walked out with Kol.

"She was already looking for an excuse to bail" Lizzie commented which made Hope and Josie chuckle, looking at each other.

"How could she befriend everyone she makes eye contact with?" Damon commented.

"Well unlike you, she is a likable person" Caroline retorted which made Rebekah laugh loudly.

"Are you serious about it?" Kol asked looking at Faith who was seated across him.

They were currently sitting in a restaurant in French quarter, waiting for their paid parcels to arrive.

"Iam. And I have the power to do it" Faith said with a shrug.

"Its not that easy. I know how Davina resurrected me. It requires mass energy given out by something happens unnaturally or magically.

"But iam not just regular witch. Iam the mother nature. Even a drop of my blood is powerful" Faith said rhetorically.

Kol didn't answer to her as though they have met only for few hours, he had already let this bubbly teen in and he wish nothing but safety for her.

"Kol, I understand. It can be dangerous but if a powerful witch like Davina can resurrect you then me being their queen can do it like a piece of cake" Faith said which earned a smile from Kol.

"Does Hope know about your plan?" He asked.

"Ofcourse no. She would never let me do it" Faith said before grabbing his hand in her.

"Don't tell anyone for me, please. At least for Hope. She may look fine but deep inside she dying of guilt. She still thinks that she is the reason behind her parents demise and her guilt is eating her out. Sometime I have caught her crying discreetly in her shower, crying and calling out for her parents, desperately. She doesn't deserve this. I never had an opportunity to be loved by both of my parents to the point that they make sacrifices for us. From my childhood onwards, I only saw an abusive, alcoholic father who picks on me and my siblings, beating us until he is sober. A mother, who dont even try to save us from him. But when I came to know about Hope's parents, I was happy to know every parents are not cruel and unlike us they love their kids to their core and are ready to sacrifice themselves for their child. From that moment I know that they deserve to live and be with their child when she goes through every phase of her life"

Kol smiled slowly, gazing at this selfless stubborn girl talk about other's happiness when her life is in danger.

"I was serious. How are you a Salvatore? Being selfless and being Salvatore doesn't sound right" Kol commented.

"Haha.Like mikaelsons are any better" Faith retorted while giggling.

"Ah. Everyone is selfish when it comes to family, I guess" He said thinking about his old days with his family.

 Everyone is selfish when it comes to family, I guess" He said thinking about his old days with his family

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