S1 Chapter 1: Chaos Control Freaks

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He pulls out a red gem.

Eggman: Well, he's too late to stop me this time. Once I insert the last Chaos Emerald, my Energy Amplifier will be invincible!

Rabbit: But you can't do that!

Alien: Cha-cha-chao.

Rabbit: That's right! Sonic won't let you get away with this!

Little did they know that I white bat lady was watching them.

Eggman: (laughs) You're wrong, Creamy Dreamy.

He laughed some more and that's when I another alarm went off.

Eggman: What is it now!?

Robot: It appears of someone's taking out the doors, Dr. Eggman!

Eggman: That blasted Sonic.

Robot: No, the thing that's taking out the doors is much different than Sonic, Dr.

Eggman: Much different, you say? Well, it won't matter because neither he or Sonic can stop-

The doors to the control room got broken down and the one who did it was Sonic.

Cream: Sonic!

Eggman: Sonic. Too late!

???: For him maybe.

Everyone including Sonic looked at the broken down door and they were shocked to see a light blue Hedgehog with a grey scarf that looked almost like Sonic.

???: But not for me.

Eggman: And who are you supposed to be?

???: Who I am is of no importance, what is important is that your going to give me those Chaos Emeralds!

Eggman: Over my dead body!

He puts the Emerald in the machine and start messing with some buttons.

Cream: So, who is he, Sonic? Is he your brother?

Sonic: No, I don't know who he is.

Y/n: If it will get you two to shut up then my name is Y/n the Hedgehog. Now, with you. You said over your dead body?

His right bracelet extended into a blade.

Y/n: I'll take you up on that offer.

Eggman leaned on the Energy Amplifier and held out a remote.

Eggman: Bring it on then.

Y/n runs so fast the only thing everyone could see was the light that trailed behind him.

Sonic: That's nearly as fast as me!

Eggman: Robots. And don't think I forgot about you, Sonic.

One robot tried to shoot Sonic while the other tried to shoot Y/n.

Y/n: Oh, so it's a fight you want, huh?

He ran straight through the robot and it got slashed in half.

Sonic: (running) Wow. Not even I could beat a robot that fast.

Y/n: Now, for my Emeralds.

He charged at Eggman but he ducked his head and both Y/n and Sonic bumped into each other.

Y/n: Thanks a lot, genius.

As Eggman got up he found that he accidentally hit the button on the remote.

Eggman: Ah! Here we go!

Sparks came out of the machine.

Eggman: What have you done?

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