Chapter six: Reuniting with the Kitsune Family

Start from the beginning

Jason: Prove it.

A/n: Let me clear things up. Back when Jason was eight, he was sent on a mission close to where the general area of Kitsune place was located. While in the area he met Mist, Raine and Blitz's mother, who sensed great sorrow inside Jason. She took him in for a while and treated him as her own son. Her husband, Blaze, saw great potential in him and began to train him to become a master swordsman. Jason, being very talented in combat and able to use all kinds of weapons, excelled beyond Blaze's belief. However, Raine took notice of this and became jealous and challenged Jason. Jason beat her miserably and stunned the whole family. So Blaze began to teach Jason elemental wielding. Elemental welding is where the user is able to bend a certain element to their will, and in this case making the blade stronger. This proved to be very challenging for Jason, since he wasn't a kitsune. Luckily there was another way, there was a special ritual that could give Jason the powers of a kitsune but at a cost. Jason, who knew the consequences, agreed and was given the very unstable powers. These powers were very intense and if not trained properly could hurt a lot of furries and humans. But after months of training he was able to master fire bending and was soon to become an official member of the family. That was until the military found out where he was at and took back HQ. Jason was separated from them for over ten years before the accident happened.

Back to story*

Timeskip five minutes later*

Me and Raine were surrounded by all the other kitsunes, who were cheering for of course Raine.

Kitsune 1: Come on Raine!! Beat him to a pulp!!!

Kitsune 2: Show him no mercy!!

I took out my sword and got in a stance, which Raine followed.

Raine: Know that I'm not holding back, I will win,

Jason: Yeah, yeah. Can we just get this over with, I'd like to see the others.

Raine: As you wish.

She charged at me and expected to hit me, but I easily dodged it. Then I swung at her and she dodged it. It was like this for about five minutes until her sword was engulfed in flames.

Raine: This is it, one shot is all it'll take.

She charged at me and when our blades collided, a blast of intense heat hit me and started to burn off my armor.

Raine: Not so tough are you now, all you are is a scared and hopeless young man who is stuck in a world of furries all alone. What are you going to do? Go cry for your mommy?

All the other kitsune laughed at me, pointing at me and mocking me.

She was right, I was alone in this world. Everyone hated me, they either wanted me locked up or dead. Either or, they wanted to see me suffer because I'm still alive in this horrible world.

But I wasn't going to let her mock me, I wasn't going to let her or anybody else ever see me in such a weak state. Then I remembered something very important. There was a seal placed on my left arm, they didn't tell me what it was for but only to use it when the time was right. I needed this more than ever. If I was going to get an upper hand then it was time I brought out the big guns.

I used all my strength to get out from under the blade and started to rip off my armor around my shoulder.

Raine: What are you doing? Taking off armor isn't going to help you win the fight.

Jason: True, but you've crossed the line mocking me. I will not let you stand there and mock me while I have to suffer through being chased by you punks. It's time I teach you all a lesson.

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