In case you were wondering, we had kissed, but nothing more, I wasn't ready. We had only had one make out session, and it was...strange. I hadn't made out with someone in two years. Even if I was ready -- for it--, I wouldn't anyway; I wanted to know him for longer, much, much longer than a week.

Rubbing my eyes, I pressed the talk button.   

"Hello?" I said, yawning.

"Good morning!" A cheerful voice greeted me. I groaned.

"Harry. Edward. Styles. What are you doing calling me at... 6:15am!?"

He ignored me. "Look out your window." I could tell from his tone he had a wide smile on his face.

I was confused, but I went to my window and threw the curtains open anyway. I saw Harry standing in my front yard, smiling, and still holding the phone to his ear. I waved and returned the smile, and he motioned for me to come outside. Opening the window, I called out to him.

"One minute!" I yelled. I received thumbs up from the curly-haired boy.

I shut the window and ran downstairs in search of my boots and mittens. I adjusted my blond hair over my scar and jumped into my parka. Outside, Harry was nowhere to be seen. 

"Harry?" I called out while zipping my coat. I could see my breath. "Harry?" I tried again, louder this time. No answer.

I turned to face my house, confused. Just then a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist. I jumped slightly and let out a small squeal, but relaxed when I saw brown curly hair.

"Don't scare me!" I laughed and playfully shoved him.

"But it's funny!" He kissed my cheek.

"Only to you!" I shot back, smiling and throwing a snowball at him. His facial expression changed from surprised to jokingly murderous in a matter of seconds. His pink lips formed a mischievous smile. My eyes went wide.

"It is so on!" He screamed, and started hurling snowballs at my face.

I screamed and tried to run, but Harry was faster than me. He gripped my waist again and pulled me to the ground. I couldn't stop laughing.

"Nice try, sweetheart." He whispered, sending shivers down my spine. I stared into his eyes, and wanted nothing more than to kiss him, but I fought the urge.

Harry pressed his lips to my temple and I could feel my face get hot. I stayed sitting between his legs with his arms around me, savoring his warmth in the cold weather.

"I want to introduce you to my mum." He said suddenly, "As my girlfriend."

I turned around to face him with wide eyes. "What?" Harry only smiled his cheeky smile. "Harry?!" I placed both my hands on his shoulders, never feeling as happy as I did right then.

He nodded. "Amabel, listen, I know I have only taken you out a couple of times, but I really like you and-" I stopped him by covering his mouth with my hand. 

I smiled. "I would love to." He smiled back at me, and I noticed Harry tilting his head to the side and leaning in slowly. It was happening!  I could feel his hot breath on my cold lips as we moved closer to each other. It was taking forever.

"Damn it, Harry." I growled, and crashed my lips to his.

I could tell he was surprised at first, but then he became more into it when he cocked his head to the side, deepening the kiss. My stomach formed butterflies and I felt sparks I had never felt before. I was instantly addicted to his touch and taste, this kind of affection new to me. It was my personal drug. My arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer as I breathed in his scent. Brown curls tickled my forehead, and I could picture his long eyelashed faned out on his pink cheeks. His hands were placed halfway up my abdomen at the side, gripping lightly.

When I pulled away, I couldn't help but let a giggle escape.

"So." I said while playing with his hair, "when do I get to meet your mum?"

"Today. The band isn't working this afternoon.”

I nodded. "Give me half and hour and I'll be ready. You can come inside if you want to, it's cold out here." I quickly kissed him again.

Harry waited in the kitchen while I went and changed into white skinny jeans, black Uggs, and a matching black sweater that fit snugly. I pulled my hair over my shoulder and hoped and prayed that Harry's mom didn't mention it or stare at it. It was kind of hard not to, it was pretty big. Zipping up my Northface, I wrote my mother a note.

I’m with Harry. Call or text if you need me.  

Love you,  


Outside, Harry had the car running and waiting. The ride was short and the closer we got to Harry's mum’s, the more nervous I got. By the time we arrived, my palms were sweating. Harry saw me fidgeting and gently placed a hand on my thigh.

"Don't worry. She’ll love you." He promised and I nodded.

This ought to be good. 

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