The list of close friends and family included: The (remaining) Weasleys, Draco, Neville, Blaise, Jericho, and available Avengers. James had included in the letter to bring food, seeing as it was all last minute and he was still somewhat learning to make a wider variety of dishes.

Their place had been slightly set up, a few balloons here and there. Their place was clean, despite what it looked like the night previously, and Athena had even bought party poppers (she didn't know why, she just had the urge to).

Now, everyone was here, and boy, it was a riot. Metaphorically.

There were only like, fifteen people there, and it seemed like there were way more. The remaining Weasleys, which were Molly, Ginny, George and Charlie, were spread out, Molly and Charlie chatting with some of the Avengers and James, whereas Ginny was playing with Teddy and a two year old Morgan Stark(along with Neville), and George was talking to Pietro. Draco was talking to Bruce, and Blaise was talking to Jericho and Steve.

Athena watched as everyone were chatting with each other, a small smile on her face. Years ago, if someone said that all of these people would be in the same room, let alone be conversing with each other, she would've laughed at their faces. I mean, it's not that they were bad people, but the Weasleys hated the Malfoys and vice versa, and (prejudiced) purebloods saw muggles as filth. But now, as Athena watches the scene happen, she couldn't happen but just... smile.

Because whether your a muggle or or wizard, pureblood or not, they all experienced a loss dearly important to them, which what makes each and every one person in this room, equal.

"Hey doll, what are you doing here all by yourself?" The oh so familiar voice of George Weasley entered her ear, causing her to turn to her right, where the boy was situated. he was met with a grinning Weasley, who- despite looking somewhat broken - still had a smile on his face.

"Hey George, how are you?" She smiled at him. Despite it being a few years since they dated, she couldn't help but still feel somewhat, warm in the inside, you know what I mean? I mean, he was pretty much her first everything. However, she doesn't regret parting with him. It's not that she stopped liking him or any of the sort, but because she feared that she would've worried him with her situation with fighting and such, or he would've been on her mind 24/7 and distracted her.

But she misses him. A lot.

He smiled, leaning against the kitchen counter beside her. "I'm alright, the shops slowly returning back to how it was before..."

"It's alright, you don't have to say it." She stated softly, looking up at him, only to meet his eyes.

He nodded, eyes not leaving hers. "...Yeah. No doubt it's a bit harder to manage now, but Ginny and Mum comes in at least once a week to help out."

"That's nice, you know, I can help you out as well, It must be hard managing a shop by yourself."

He chuckled. "Not as hard as taking out criminals on a daily basis."

A soft laugh left her mouth, and despite the loud chatter amongst the house, the Weasley still managed to hear it. Yeah, that same laugh that he loved. A sound the he missed, belonging to someone that he longed for.

"Hey Athena..."

"Yeah George?"

"I miss you..."

"But it wasn't that long since we last saw each other-"

"Not that kind dumbarse," He stated, laughing slightly at her denseness.

"Then what do you- oh." She realised, quieting down shortly. George had thought that this was his way of Athena telling him that she doesn't like him anymore, though, was soon distracted from that as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, a head leaning against his chest.

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