I walked into their room and saw them sleeping, so I walked downstairs where tony was reading a book.



I took a glass of water and drank it, then suddenly Thor and Bruce came running downstairs fighting.

Bruce:„Stop! You know what could happen next!"

Thor:„yes you stupid green thing!'

Bruce hands started turning green so I stood up with still the glass in the hand and wanted to walk away but then Bruce took the plates what were standing next to him and smashed them on the ground infront of me.

I grabbed the glass tightly, suddenly it broke and then I felt the shreds in my arm.

It was burning and hurting really bad.

I started screaming and then tony pulled me back.

Tony:„let me take a look at the arm..."

I covered the arm then Bruce wanted to grab after it but I got scared and hid behind tony.

Blood was running down my arm and then my dads ran downstairs.

Steve:„what the hell happened here?!"

He looked at the shreds and then at me.

Bucky ran up to me and took my arm.

Steve walked up to us too and saw the shreds in my arm and the blood slowly dripping down on the floor.

Steve:„bruce please help her..."


I clung up on Steve and pressed the with blood covered arm around him.

His white tank top turned red and so his skin under it.

Steve:„alright I'm gonna take care of it...buck you're gonna help me!"

He picked me up and walked into their room.

He let me down on their bed and Bucky brought bandages, disinfection spray and some other things.

Steve squat down Infront of me and tried to take out the shreds by himself but I started crying more so Bucky brought him tweezers.

Steve:„love...could you please turn the light on?"

Bucky put the light on and Steve put the tweezers into my wound.

I gritted my teeth and dug my nails into his shoulder.

Steve:„ow...y/n, princess stop!"

Bucky took my hand and I squeezed his left(Metall) as hard as possible.

He started talking a little bit with me and then Steve finally put the tweezers away.



Steve:„i need a knife..."


Steve:„give me your knife buck!"

He pulled out his knife and wanted to pass it over to Steve but I snapped it away from his hand.

Y/n:„what are you gonna do with this?!"

Steve:„i need to get the shreds out...and well they are under your skin..."

Y/n:„just leave it there..."

Steve:„no! That's dangerous!"

Bucky took the knife away from me and passed it over to Steve.

I started crying and kicking him but then Bucky started calming me down.

Steve then suddenly stood up and walked out.

Bucky:„steve? Hey wait!"

He came back with a candle and put the knife into it.

After it was hot enough he started cutting my arm open.

I whined and Bucky stroked over my hair and tried to distract me.

After he finally took the piece out he kissed my cheek and showed me all the shreds I had in my arm.

It was pretty much and then he took a needle and started sewing my wound.

It was hurting too and I started crying again.

After i was finally done he disinfected it and put a bandage over it.

Steve:„what exactly happened there princess?"

He let go of my arm and I looked down at it.

Y/n:„bruce and Thor were fighting..."

Stucky's daughter Where stories live. Discover now