Faith, Reconstruction, and a Disastrous Revelation

Start from the beginning

"The Creator was a spirit our family had captured many decades before you were born. It was something that proved almost impossible to contain. Hitoshi came forward, searching for the spirit. I had to protect the clan, and I had to protect you, so... I sealed it inside of you. No one knew this, of course, with the exception of your mother, Lord Tamotsu, and the Third and Fourth Hokages.

"For six years, you and your brother lived together as heirs to the Takeda clan. I don't know how it happened, but Hitoshi found out that I had sealed the spirit inside of you, with your mother's help. On your sixth birthday, he attacked with a few dozen other Takeda shinobi who followed him. I still had shinobi who were loyal to me in our family, but as you can guess, facing a Takeda isn't the easiest thing in the world.

"While I fought Hitoshi, your mother, Kimiko, took you and Ryuu to safety. She took Ryuu to the Hidden Dragon Village, placing him in the care of Lord Tamotsu. And then she sent you to your own dimension, where you would be safe from anyone who wanted to use your power for themselves."

"But... I wasn't really ever safe, was I?" I questioned quietly.

He shook his head, smiling sadly, "... No, you weren't. But, by yourself, in another dimension, you were safer than you would have been if you had remained here, in this world. I know you're angry that I separated you from Ryuu... But you have to understand, there was nothing else I could do. Keeping you and Ryuu together would've attracted too much attention. It may not seem like it... But all your mother and I ever wanted to do was protect you."

"Then why seal the Creator inside of me in the first place!?" I exclaimed, suddenly angry. "If you really wanted to protect me... Why didn't you just seal it inside of someone else?"

"Because I believe in you," He answered simply, making my eyes widen. "From the moment you were born, I knew you'd grow up to be strong. I sealed the Creator inside of you because you're my daughter, and I knew that if anyone could handle it, it was you. You were the only one in our entire clan whose will was strong enough to suppress it on a daily basis."

"... You were wrong," I said, looking down. "If you hadn't stopped me just now, I would've broken the seal and unleashed the very thing that you trusted me to keep locked away."

"Minxie... How old are you, now?" He inquired.

"Sixteen..." I replied, not sure where he was going with this.

"Sixteen, huh? Listen, Minxie, no matter how much responsibility you're given, you must never forget that at the end of the day... You're still human. You have your own feelings, and there's nothing wrong with that. We all can get tempted, sometimes. Nobody's perfect," He said.

"... It makes me feel weak," I admitted, looking down.

"Minxie... You are anything but weak. Since you were born, you've been facing struggle after struggle, but you've never given up, not once," He said. "True strength doesn't mean the absence of fear. True strength is having that fear, true strength is getting knocked down, but even when it seems hopeless... True strength is never giving up. And that, Minxie, is a quality that you are simply full of." He smiled.

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