22 ▪︎ The Magician's Return

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"Thousands of years and you're still the only one I found precious,"

The fear she had in the past over his ruby eyes was replaced with longingness. Matching his voice, the smirk that she had missed was right in front of her. The princess's jeweled eyes waver with many emotions as every second pulls the string of the magician's heart.

"Princess," his voice rang once again and all it took was that.

"Lucas!" her small body immediately hugs his who responds the same.

For a little while, all that could be heard was the wind. Because of the silence induced by the number of feelings that they're unable to be expressed, the breeze caused their long hair of gold and ebony to flutter softly.

H-he's actually here...

The princess's chubby cheeks gradually filled with hues of scarlet as a result of her bold gesture. Refusing to let go of him, believing the reason was her reluctance to see his grin rather than her terrible lovesickness.

Regardless, she raises her head to meet her magician's gaze. His orbs were filled with tenderness instead of an arrogant look. He gently touches her cheek with a slight grin. Afraid of even the tiniest harm to his princess. At the contact that verifies everything, a wave of relief sweeps over him.

She's here...In my arms, once more...

The princess mirrors his action as she touches his cheek.

Such opportunities.

Athanasia's mind was bombarded with questions in the growing silent, and in order to avoid ruining their moment, she opened her mouth to a request she knew she'd say.

"Mini version Lucas~," she said with a smile that fail to hide its excitement

"Aren't I already in my 'mini version'?" he raises one of his eyebrows.

"Mini mini version," she leans on his shoulder, causing her chubby cheeks to be squish and attack his heart.

"Just for you," he fell for her charms like always and turn into the form he had taken before.



Despite being in his child form, he was able to hold the princess bridal style no problem. Lucas tried his best to hold his laughter while Athanasia blushed.

"Someone is a little smaller," his lips curved to a smirk.

"T-that's because you're seven! I'm five years old right now," she explained only to meet his face filled with confusion.

"Seems as though the princess miss me so much that I have arrived two years earlier?"

"W-why am I the one who's m-missing you?!" She stumble over the words to the magician who put her down gently before explaining how he was there.






The magician blink a few times in a haze. Laying on the platform that he had been in a coma on, consciousness slowly seeps into him. The more he gains control over himself, the more he realizes his surrounding.

"Athanasia..." he uttered weakly.

Unlike how he had awakened before, his mana was untouched. On the opposite, it feels as though it's doubling. The toll of using half of his mana to conjure another comatose spell causes the magician's mind to stay weakened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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