10 ▪︎ Awaken, The Other Side Of The Family

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A/N: Guess who's corpse daddy is debuting in this chapterrrr. Also, now, THIS is went I truly play god with the story. This is pure fanfiction. I hope yall like it

In the cold dark night, two youths sneak their way into the forbidden library. Holding their giggles as those who were supposed to guard the place miss them at every step they make. Finally, after a few minutes of sneaking in, they busted a lung to the 'security' of such a place.

Its the joy of having a partner in crime.

"That was such a journey" the young man said. Removing his cloak that is made to lighten the person's step.

"A journey? Those old hags barely even sense us. Its disappointing" the young woman chuckled as she remove hers. Walking towards the shelves filled with the books not supposed to be open.

"These don't seem very forbidden?" She asked as she flipped the pages. Letting the firm pair of arms near her hips.

"Look at my idiot over here~" the young man cooed as he grab the book. Eyes widening with a shocked smile.

"Darling...this is the spell book to add suffering to those who's alrrady suffering from an illness" he look at her slowly with a nervous smile.

It wouldn't be so scary if it weren't for the fact that the cousin she hated is ill.

The woman's 'oh' face slowly turn into a sweet smile as she cup a flower motion under her cheeks.

"But Stacius, you said you'll give me anything I want" she said using a too good to be true tone.

"I'll give you any luxuries you want, not fucking hexxing people" he smirks as he smack the book shut infront of her voice. Gaining a shocked reaction then a pout.

"Though this will be very affective if father decide not to die early. I'll keep this one booked" Anastacius flipped the pages, seeing the spell is quite easy to use and play with.

"What can I say? I'm fortune teller for you" she said as she flipped her hair right infront of his face.

"Absolutely, Penelope" Anastacius spanks the woman with the book before stepping away quickly. He's just changing his own fortune there if he stay any close.

Penelope is not the type of woman to not give back anything if given the opportunity. Good and especially bad.

"Either way, these book don't seem scary at all?" She look around a few shelves further.

"Dearest, stop picking books about cursing people to death"
"I swear I picked them up by random" she put the book back, diverting any eye contact.

Her fingers went through the side of the shelves when suddenly, it pricked something.

"Ow! What the hell?!" She quickly grip her finger that was bleeding quite hard, walking away from the shelf.

"I thought I brought a grown woman" he grip her hips and fingers to observe the wound closer.

The library is old so its not surprising for the woods to be sticking out. But knowing the place, the wound is probably deep because of the lace of black magic.

"Yeah, well remind me not to follow you to abandoned places ever again" she took away her hand and wince in pain.

Anastacius clicked his tongue at her words.

"Here" he snatch her fingers once again to heal it with his own magic. More like sealing. Lips curving to a smirk, he kiss the wound while his other hand tickles under her hips. Knowing above is protected via a corset.

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