21 ▪︎ The Sleeping Beauty's Tower

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She muttered his name. The last few memories of her past life were immediately refreshed.

T-this is that place!

The last place she visited before going through the time and reborn in this new timeline. Despite being in the sacred tower before and now, there's only one thing that flooded her mind at that moment in such a place.

"I'll wait for you-"

His voice that's always charming and brought excitement to her life was monotone to the point that it was unrecognizable.

"I'll be here for you again..."

I've never seen such an expression from him.

Even when he's mad, no...

If he's mad there's an expression. It's even more terrifying. There's nothing written in the face of someone who's filled with confidence in his words.

Athanasia shivers from the recollection of those moments more than the cold temperature of the room.

Either way, how and why am I here?

In my teenage form nonetheless.

Every few steps she took confirmed that she's not ghost-like such as before. The rough and coarse texture of the concrete floor was felt thoroughly. Some even hurt the fragile princess's feet.

Her wish to pinch herself was stopped the moment she even grabbed her cheeks.

"Ouch! Since when am I so sensitive?" her hand rubs the spot slower and slower as she realizes the room she's in with. No matter how hard she tries to ignore it, his presence, despite being comatose, is felt thoroughly.

Wondering the state of this 'dream', she walks to where he's laying. Every step is still haunted by all of that she had seen before. His desperation to cure her, his tears, no detail escapes her mind.

"Fine, you're still here," the small walk she took brought her exactly where she was standing before.

What a dedicated dream. She thought.

The princess stares with frustration seeing her once-powerful magician now lays in a comatose sleep. Her sudden 14-year-old self conflicts with her previous 5-year-old mind. A mixture of amateur magic and an unstable mind causes her thoughts and actions to jumble.


Anger build-up once more, the moments of her past life as if it was yesterday.

Why did you give up so easily?!

Her fist clenches tightly at the unclear reflections of the glass coffin.

Look at you! Who do you think you are? Sleeping Beauty? Snow White?!

Out of pure annoyance and fury, she bangs on the glass just like how she did before. Though, this time...

"Idio- eh?!"

It disappears.

Her hand that wishes to slam the glass landed perfectly on his.


The shock quietly seeps into her mind as she felt his hands. Too cold for a living person, too warm for the dead. Gripping on his hand, she look up to see his face she had only been replaying in her memories.

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