11 ▪︎ First Time Meeting You

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The past emperor finally breath some clean oxygens as he arrived at a secluded garden.

Falling to the soft grass, he grasp for air from the horrible and dusty room of before.

After minutes of harshly grasping, he lay down there silently. Letting the wind and bird's chirping fill his ears. Letting another minutes pass by, he raise his feet lazily to the clear lake infront of him.

Anastacius wash his face with the pure and fresh water of the lake as he caught the reflection of himself.

It wouldn't be good for people to knew me, huh?

He snap his fingers as one by one, strands of his blonde locks turn its colours. From the shining golden that is the genes of the former emperor, to the dark jet black color that almost blends in with the night.

Looking deeper, he sighed.

It's such a waste. These gems are supposed to be for the emperor.

He thought. Now that it had been 3 years, his little brother must have been sitting on the throne all joyful. Anastacius clicked his tongue as another snap of finger came to rang.

His jeweled blue eyes that is the trademark of the imperial members were dyed to an ebony blue. Back then, he wasn't able to show around his look so much in the commoner village, so by just changing the color, unless they're super close to him, it's impossible to tell its the former emperor.

After the whole debacle of resurrection, this is the most magic he can use for now. Anastacius gaze into his refleaction for awhile. He deeps the tip of his fingers and push his lucious hair back, forcing a smirk.

"I still look handsome as ever"


The winds blowing the tree's leaves are probably the loudest sound by far. The longer he waited, the more random sound rang in his ears.

The atmosphere is completely lonely.

Anastacius splash the water with another click of his tongue. He lay down on the soft grass to calm his pounding heart from before. Letting the wind brush over peacefully.

Its not very peaceful for the former emperor, however.


"And let us toast, to the emperor's 3rd years reign anniversary!"

The music plays elegantly.

Far too loud.

Far too fresh in his mind.

Far too...

"Oh, my favourite waltz!"


"C'mon my emperor, the special old man can't be sitting on his throne all day like this"

Shut up. How dare a wench said so to the emperor?

"Quite the days everything went our way" the brunette's shoulder length hair flow lighter than the wind. Her smirk piercing.

Our? Its mine.

"Our empire will be so...us. Hehe"

My empire!

"And...our...us...you and I-"


"A-ANASTACIUS!" She yelled. As group of knights ambush the palace ballroom.


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