15 ▪︎ The Light Peeks Through

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"With that, Diana, will you marry me?"


I completely forget about that part.

She enjoyed the dance and the thought of being together with him so much, that she never suspected he'll propose to her.

Diana's mind feel like hitting itself with a stick over how she had forgotten the one thing she long for him to say as soon as the ring arrived.

And now, she's flabbergasted as hell. Tears is felt against her cheeks as her hand is still covering her mouth.

After a few seconds, she finally regained herself and with a hoarse voice,

"Yes...yes, yes, yes, yes!" She was about to hug him when he stands up by himself. Sweeping her off the floor and lifting her by the waist.

The two giggled and embrace each other with pure joy in their hearts with two accomplish goals in their mind.

It came true~

After a thousand kisses on her face, Claude took the ring and gently put it on his now fianceè. Kissing the back of her hands, he smirks.

"Would you be my empress?" He asked.

"Absolutely my emperor!" Her cheeks ignore the pain of smiling for so long to her dream man who's smirk slowly turns into a cheeky grin.

"Would you be, forever, my wife?"

"Of course, my...hubby♡" the second she said that word, she was in his embrace once again.

She's mine. And this time, I'm never letting her go.

Slowly, a small crowd of cheer was heard by the two newly engaged couple. Claude smirk knowing who's been watching the whole time.

"Congratulations milady"
"Good job your majesty"

Felix and Lilian popped their heads along with the small precious princess Felix is carrying who's having her fist in the air. A few maids and butlers head can be seen as well. Peeking to see their new, Her Majesty.

Diana smile shyly while hiding her left arm who's hitting the emperor. Claude only smirk at her who's redden face can never be hide.

Felix stepped forward a bit until the little princess whisper in his ears. He giggled and put her down.

Claude and Diana is still charmed by their precious daughter who's wearing a matching dress with them. The usual fluff of the dress made her look like a blue cloud with legs. Diana was about to walk to hold the princess in her arms until,

"No!" Athanasia put her hand up and said sternly. As expected, everyone near awwed at their adorable princess. Especially Diana who saw the puff cheeks of her daughter. Claude only smirk, hiding the admiration to hug his fluffy little angel.

Athanasia took a deep breath and clutch her fist.

I can do this!

Slowly, she make her step that made the room silent. Both of her loving parents gasp as her steps fasten itself. Felix & Lilian who's been holding their laughter from the banter before look at the princess with determination. The moment their princess waited for so long is here!

After a few seconds, Athanasia become steady in her steps and walk confidently to her wide eyed couple. Giggling with her adorable voice at the last steps as she reach her mother who's arms are already open.

Welcoming The Lovely Imperial Family {WMMAP FF}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu