8 ▪︎ The Audacity

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A/N: This is going to be...kinda dark and gruesome. You've been warned. I promise the ending is sweet tho!<3

Another A/N: There will be no update for the next 4 days bcuz I have a surprise for yall later :) Okay, now Enjoy~

7:00 p.m


The clock ticks another second as the sound of writing was heard in the room. Constantly stopping to get more ink for its quill. Paper continuing to be switch with every deep.

Emperor Claude De Alger Obelia was working faster than he had ever before. With each paper done excelently, his knight Felix is tirelessly trying to stack it with no fail.

Not that the emperor will care if he does so, as there's only one thing in his mind.

This is all real.

Diana and Athanasia.

The both of them is here with me. And in a new beginning nonetheless.

New beginning huh? That means there's so many things I can prevent for Athanasia. I need to find the reason I lost my memory, that's first. But that is still far from right now.

Ah yes, her first mana outburst! It happen because of that dog...Can't I teach her to hate dogs? Its better to teach them when they're young.

However, would that work? For a newborn baby, she is extremely smart. Smiling at those she love and crying as if in happiness for seeing them again. Could this mean?

I have to test this later.

Though, I feel as if I'm missing something else.

The emperor can't put a finger on the one thing that seem to be very important. His finger tap the table as all of his thoughts jumble. After a few minutes of trying, he gave up. A new thought however, arise.

Before all of that, this also mean one thing.

Her first word, her first steps, all of her first! I mean, they're all just normal stages in ones life, why am I so excited?

But I can experience it with her, with Diana my love. Its impossible to not be excited...

Her beautiful physique, her gentle voice, her scent, just her.

I get to be beside her once more with my daughter and I'm not letting this chance go.

We already have a daughter...

I wonder, can I be more than a lover to Diana?

A thought of Diana wearing a beautiful white dress, paired with an extravagant lace, see through veil and the designed jeweled crown for a new empress. All of them was complimented more wity her own beauty.

As if managing the stacking paper works wasn't hard enough, Felix now have a question on why the emperor have a blush on his face. Its like seeing a four leaf clover, its an exeptional once in a blue moon.

Claude's thoughts were interrupted as his quill hit the desk.

"Yes, your majesty?"
"Where is my documents?"
"Here. All finish and stack up. I must say your majesty, you're more energetic than before!" Felix said, calling in a few butler and maid for the documents to be send somewhere else.

Claude can't deny his statement.

Ever since he's here, his body and physical strength are stronger than he had ever lived in the past life. To be fair, he hadn't dabbled in black magic just yet.

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