20 ▪︎ The Youngest's Words

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A/N: I'm so sorry. Writer's block, school works and a bit of procrastination does not mix well. This book will never be drop but it most definitely will have a slow update🙇‍♀️ Also by the way, 50K+ READS? AND 50 FOLLOWERS???I love you, thank you😭😭


The shine of the sun in the early morning was sadly blocked by the pouring rain. If not for the magic stones that help generate heat, every room in the imperial palace could be filled with the coldness that brings a shiver to anyone.

Nevertheless, thousands of magic stones, candles, and lanterns can be bought but none will be able to battle the atmosphere of the throne room.

Does the rain always bring such coldness is a useless question to ask for the nobility whose preparing for what they're about to say.

They stood in front of the glaring emperor who expected his morning to begin with the charms of his family was interrupted by their sudden meeting.

At the very least, the figure beside him brings quite the satisfaction. The opposite could be said by the nobility whose eyes are begging to glare at what he's admiring.

I've never seen someone so deserving to be on the throne. Everything just looks so right when compared to before.

Claude stole a quick glance at the woman beside him. Even with the dim sky influencing the lighting of the room, her platinum blonde hair shines brightly. With a confident posture and pure elegance radiating from her, Diana belongs on the throne beside him.

She realizes someone staring at her and as she turns her head, he turns his. She let out a small chuckle before the room was finally filled with any noise.

"Y-your majesty,"

"We are here-"

"Cut to the chase or your head will be the one that is cut," Claude said casually.

"Claude, give them time," Diana tried calming the secretly boiling with frustration emperor.

Though, a beheading seems interesting-


I've spent way too much time with this man.

She sighs silently at the crazy thought she had.

The Duke of Hammington began him and the other nobility's reasons for being there. According to Act 122017, Diana would not be able to marry and become the empress for exactly 9 years. During those times, if she wishes to be the empress, she has to do many tasks to prove she's worthy of taking the throne.

A long silence filled the room with a bunch of stares and glares.

After a painful and sigh of giving up, a noise is finally heard.

Not a pleasant one, however...


The emperor's infamous sword stabbed the ground as everyone in there shudder their shoulders, some could even feel their heart-stopping.

Gathering his robes, Claude stands up with a terrifying smirk and the glare that weakens any knees.

"I praise all of you so much," he walks closer to them. Each step can only make the nobilities pray in their heart.

"You have the most unique way of asking for death,"

With a single sentence, all of them genuflect with eyes of regret.

Welcoming The Lovely Imperial Family {WMMAP FF}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt