7 ▪︎ Mother Of The Princess

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7:00 p.m


The clock ticks at every second as a beautiful hum was heard silently. The blonde haired woman fix her lucious hair as she spun around to see her flowy nightgown.

Closing a jewel box engraved with her name, Diana walks back to her bed with a smile on her face. Her newborn baby who's finally free from her previous swaddle. Flailing her chubby short arms, holding the blanket as if its she had found a new discovery.

"Athy~" she cooed the name of the precious baby.

An instant response arrived as her daughter turn her head towards her. A smile was quickly carve on her small lips as Diana's heart melted more than it already has.

"Athy!!!" She cuddle with her baby gently, letting their cheeks touch each other as giggles were heard.

"My baby Athanasia" she called once more as the smiling baby let out another giggle.

Diana's happiness was reaching her max as she cuddle her Athanasia again. The feel of her tiny baby in her arms. Her daughter is here with her. When she thought that she would not made it to see her baby, she had already brace herself with such despair just like how she did to let her lover go.

But, just then, her eyes aren't closing as she thought. The pain she had from before slowly died down and her heart is just beating quickly. After 30 minutes of resting, she realized, she's alive. Being able to meet her lover and her newborn in the next moment.

It is such a blessing, I feel like I'm the one who's immortal.

She chuckled as the baby laying next to her made 'grabby' hands. Gladly, she reach her hands out to the tiny ones of her daughter. Her laugh stiffled as her small hands only holding one of her finger with such a bewildered expression.


It feel...so unreal.

Yet it is.

Its been hours after daddy visit us before but I still can't believe it. My body was back to its delicate form that I can't even turn my head properly let alone raise it. Laying here, so close to my mother's face and holding her huge hand. Well, finger.

Hearing her gentle voice giggle as her daughter is fascinated of holding her. My eyes slowly starting to feel heavy as my grip start to loosen. Mommy's arms hold me as she sat up properly.

Not again, I don't wanna sleep! I want to be with her more.

This would've been the third I'll sleep with no control.

Why are babies so weak?

I giggled to myself. Forgetting not only am I a baby again, I'm a completely newborn baby.

Just when another moment of relaxation was about to wave through me, I feel as if something is bothering. I opened my eyes to the sight of mother looking away. Holding me tightly in her arms, she brought me to my crib.

The moment she left my sight after giving a kiss, I feel as if something is incredibly wrong. I want to cry out for her to stay but...

Its not worth it...

My head spin slowly as the voices grow clear. My hand went back to its weak energy as not a single sound can be made by me. I feel tears coming out but I can't stop them even if I want to.

I want mommy...

Don't be a bother, you, I don't want her to leave...

My eyes drop as I listen to the voices of my head.

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