(1/2) 13 ▪︎ Half Of A Reincarnation

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A/N: Here lies those pics for every chapter. I'm lazy and is done of searching for them. Enjoy the shortest chapter ever


The sun sets beautifully as the evening was about to end. Flocks of birds fly pass the Alpheus Mansion as a black haired man landed lightly at the side of an elegant window.

Peeking inside, a little girl chase a white haired boy with glee and mischeif.

"Come hewe, Kwiel!" She cheerfully said as she holds an adorable pink ribbon in her tiny hands.

"I-I'm okay, Jennette" the boy named Ijekiel tried to avoid to bubbly girl's plan every way shape or form.

To no avail.

"Yeah, hehe! Kwiel look so pwetty!" (Kiel look so pretty). Jennette clap her hands at the defeated boy wearing the beautiful pink ribbon.

"The pwincess is weady for her pwince~"(The princess is ready for her prince). She fixes her doll's dress as she steps to the boy who had abandon any hopes of running away.

"Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!" The boy fell on the bed as Jennette give him kisses through the doll. Despite disagreeing earlier, Ijekiel can't do anything other than laugh.

I mean, the princess could choke, maybe stab the prince?

Anastacius thoughts run quite free as he saw his dearest daughter being so close to the boy. Its a cute scene. Well, half of it.

If the boy could just, disappear :)

After a few minutes of playing, a maid came in their room to guide Ijekiel to his late tutoring and Jennette for her late evening nap.

Jennette tug on the maid's skirt lightly, looking up at the grown woman with a gentle voice.

"Can missy swing Jennie a lullaby?"(Can missy sing Jennette a lullaby?). The maid look at her with a blank expression.

"I'm sorry Lady Jennette, but I'm quite busy at the moment" Jennette nod with a pout as she walk towards her bed.

Ijekiel who is about to exit her room look at his sadden little sister. He told the exiting maid that he'll be on his way and walk towards Jennette who's already on her bed.

"I'll stay with you for awhile okay?" He said with a gentle smile, earning a smile and a chuckle from the little lady as he pat her head.

"Kwiel can't swing~"(Kiel can't sing). She shows a teethy smile at the boy who's pinching her cheeks.

A few minutes pass by and Ijekiel finally exited Jennette's room. The little 2 year old acts as if she's sleeping peacefully.

Waiting to meet a certain someone.

Anastacius smiles unconciously at the young girl. Sleeping, drowning in the big pillow around her with those fluffy cheeks of her.

Aish, what am I doing?

His thoughts were cut when a small amount of a familiar magic seeps through the window. He waves his hand with an annoyed expression.

"Stay where you are" Anastacius wave the cunning black magic who's trying to run away from the room back in it.

He fix his posture as he was about to enter the room of his little girl when all of a sudden,

Another presence?

His eyes widen, amount of mana group together entering through the window. They all shape to a figure of a hooded woman. Approaching the sleeping Jennette slowly.

Anastacius hand are already equip with the most destructive yet singular spell. His movement ready to act with every step the figure took towards Jennette.

The little one who's finally peeking from her slumber, smile sweetly at the woman.



Anastacius was left speechless. The woman sat next to Jennette as she sat up properly. She seem to be whispering something to the little girl that caused her to pout sadly. The woman pinch Jennette's cheek lightly and gave a peck at her forehead lightly.

Jennette chuckled sweetly as her tiny hands pull the woman's hood more to the front. The woman laugh lightly at her mischievious lady, tickling the little one a bit.

Who? What? Huh?

Anastacius's heart is in confusion.

It is such an adorable scene for the sight but by thinking more, he's concern on who the hell is the woman who seem to be very close to Jennette.

Slowly, her hand touch Jennette's lightly as the little one fell into her arms. Half of a hug and half of her falling asleep.

Making sure the magic in his hand is prepared, Anastacius enter the room with his invisiblity on. Approaching the woman who's laying his daughter gently on the bed.

The woman's hand suddenly harden. Mana fill with thorns was right at her neck. In seconds, her body slowly relaxed as she knew who's behind her.

"Who do you think you are?"

His husky voice rang through her ears. With a small smirk, her hand waves a few protection spell on herself before anything escalated worst than it already is.

Slowly, she turn around the face the man who's ready to activate his magic.

Sadly for him, his reflex all died down at the woman's face.

She let her hood fell down as the cold breeze of the room lightly brush through her pale brown hair, slightly moving her proper bangs. His shocked ebony blue eyes met her peridot green's ones.

Those eyes...that hair...everything...

His hand slowly fell and the magic disappear as he steps back.

All thoughts run through his head who's in mess as if its on fire.

Knowing her effect, the woman carve a smirk that he had miss for far too long. His voice finally let itself out, shaking with shocked, fear and slight excitement.



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