As he took in the lyrics, he started to cry. Sometimes, he cried for no reason, like now. He just needed to cry. The mascara ran down his face like always.

He looked up at the sky above him, the somber weather was nice. It wasn't raining, there were just gray sky's.

Like how George wasn't crying, he was just feeling a bit gray.


Band was normal. From the few glances George took of Dream, he looked sullen.

But he chose not to pay attention to it too much. He remembered the night Dream stood behind George at the club, Dream looked sudden. Like he was hoping to find there.

He tried to forget about it.

"Remember students," Mr.Slime began, "Your song, or songs, is due the beginning of May. Considering you all graduate in May, it seems that's a perfect time."

Quackity raised his hand, he spoke with still, just not as much. The same went for everyone around him. He isolated himself whenever he got the chance too, he didn't enjoy it though. But it was his way of not pushing his problems on everyone else.

If he wasn't around, then his problems wouldn't affect anyone.

So try again. Go to the roof and try again.

Oh no.

Sapnap seems saddened because of you, either way, isolation or not, you're hurting your best friend. So end it. Doesn't hurt to try, right?

"We will indeed still be performing." Mr.Slime broke his thoughts which he was grateful for.

He sighed as he pulled out his journal to finish his last song. He was practically finished. After this, he would have to make the background music, and Quackity had offered to help.

He noticed how much he loved making music, he could see himself in the future doing something with his music career. Maybe instead of a fashion designer, he'd be a musician.

He continued to write down his final lyrics, he looked it over and could say he was proud of himself. He smiled warmly.

Stop smiling, you look stupid.

So he stopped.


Once band finished, he hurried out of his uniform and sat beneath his blankets. The weekend was full of isolation for him. Texting his friends back home, ensuring them he was okay.

Wilbur had told him he had released some of his songs on Spotify in hopes of gaining fame, he was sure Wilbur would. He was proud of him.

He clicked off his phone and sat there, thinking. The more he thought, the more he lost himself.

Sometimes, George worried he had no identity. Who was he? Who was he to others?


Okay. Guess that was settled now.

He turned and twisted in his bed, attempting to get comfortable. He heard someone open and close the door, then sitting on their bed.

He didn't pay attention to it though. Instead, he kept trying but audibly failed once a groan was heard.

He pulled the blanket off his head, to see Dream staring right at him. His eyes watered at the thought of their memories.

He stared back, not completely knowing what to do. The boy looked tired, out of it. The dark circles below his eyes looked worse than the last time he looked at him.

He wondered what was wrong with the dull boy. Dream caught his breath once he figured out what he had been doing for the last thirty seconds. He looked down at his feet, scooting back against the wooden headboard.

He switched his position so he was facing opposite of George, George felt his heart sink. Was he really that difficult to look at?

Yes, you're hideous.

His answers were always given plain and clear, so there was no room to wonder. Sometimes he thought of it as a good thing.

But also the reason he dangled his feet off the edge of the roof.


let's gooo, im releasing on my bday, if ur birthday is today also comment it you're comfortable. i'd love to say happy birthday! it'd also just be cool if we shared a birthday:,)

i hope everyone is doing well, and if you aren't please don't be afraid to message me. know you're never ever alone because you'll always have me! i appreciate you all, you've all made an impact in my life rather you realize it or not:D everything will be okay, trust me on that. though you might not believe it, it will. at some point i didn't believe it would be, but as i surround myself with the right people and find true ways to make myself happy, i know it'll be alright:) it all takes patience and i've said that before !!

have an amazing day
much love,

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