chapter 22

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TW: Underage drinking.

"Oh yeah of course! But two questions,"


"First, how come you aren't asking Dream or Sapnap, I thought you guys were really close?" He asked tentatively, not wanting to push any buttons with George that weren't supposed to be pushed,

Should he answer with the truth? "They're, uh, busy. Becoming closer to you wouldn't hurt, right?"

"Won't hurt me either!" He laughed, getting ready to ask his second question,

"Alright, what else?"

"Where exactly are we going?"

"The club, you ever been?"

"Obviously, I have a fake ID and everything."

"Good, that makes the job easier for me." George laughed,

"Well, what should we do until we then?"

"We can go and wait in my room until then?"

"Sounds like a plan." He hopped off the counter packing everything up and they set off together.

As they reached the room, George tried to open the door, but it seemed to be locked. Weird, he thought to himself, usually, someone would be inside, hence the door being unlocked.

He opened the door, expecting Dream to be asleep since he hadn't opened the door, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Do you have the room to yourself or something?" Quackity laughed,

"I wish, Karl and Sapnap are always out and about, I barely see them anymore," he chuckled at himself, "and Dreams usually here, not sure where he went." He shrugged,

"I guess we don't have to annoy anyone with the room empty," Quackity laughed,


"So, what's your back story. Why're you here?"

Another question he hated answering but felt comfortable with telling Quackity for some reason, "I used to drink, smoke, sometimes I'd do...some other things, it really depended on my mental state," he took a second to catch his breath, "then I and a bunch of people got caught drinking, smoking, some people were doing hardcore drugs. I ran away and right as I stopped running, the police recognized me and put me in handcuffs and my parents sent me here basically." He let out the breath he was holding,


"Yeah...what about you?"

"Same, to be honest, minus the police part. My parents caught me." He chuckled nervously,

"At least we can relate." He shrugged and laughed, Quackity joined laughing along as well.

"We have around thirty minutes until curfew," He had pulled out his phone to check the time and Quackity looked...shocked?

"Why the shocked face?" George chuckled,

"You have your phone?!? Weren't we supposed to pass those in hours ago,"

"Dream taught me a trick, surprised you don't know it."

"Well, tell me what the trick is!"

"You just give in a phone that doesn't work when you go pass it in, simple."

"How didn't I think of this?!" George laughed at Quackitys response. For the next twenty minutes, the room was filled with talk about themselves, but George couldn't help but wonder where Dream was.

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