ˣ.¹back in the black residence

Start from the beginning

Snapping out of her thoughts, Athena could feel a tug on her pants sleeve. Looking down, she could see her baby brother giving her a toothed (well one tooth really) grin. Athena smiled softly, picking the boy up as she sat him on her lap. "Hi love,"

"Afina!" The ten-months old baby exclaimed, raising his small hands above his head. Athena's smile turned into a small grin, tickling the boy by his sides, small excited giggles escaping his mouth.

"That's me baby!" Athena cooed. "What about you? What's your name?"

Teddy's laughter stopped, head slightly tilting to the side as his brows furrowed, hair turning into a darker shade of teal. "Te... De... Te.. Wi!"

Athena laughed at the wide smile on his face, pecking his forehead. "Ted-dy."


"No baby, you sound like you're saying Terry and that isn't your name-"

"Tewi!" Teddy exclaimed once more.

Athena sighed, though smiling still as she ruffled his now-normal-teal hair. She looked up, seeing her uncle leaning against the door. "Hi Uncle Prongs."

"You ready, love?" He asked again. She nodded, standing up as she placed the baby on her hip, holding hip as she grabbed the handle of her suitcase.

"Yup!" She smiled, though it looked different. It seemed as if the light in her eyes died down a bit.

James frowned. He walked inside the room. "What's on your mind Fi? I called your name out earlier, but you were just biting your nails again, like you were thinking."

"I was?" She asked, in which she received a concerned nod from the man. "Oh. Well, I guess I'm just nervous." She shrugged.

"About what?"

"On who else that I know is still... y'now... here." She stated softly. "You only told me about- my dads and them... but I'm also worried about the Malfoys... Neville even, I haven't seen them in a while and I'm scared that that would've been our final goodbyes-"

"Don't worry Fi," James cut her off, "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to check on them, but we can do that once we drop our stuff back home, yeah?"

Athena sighed, but nodded either way. "Alright then..."

James then smiled, also grabbing his and Teddy's bags. The two exited the room, the Potter leaving first. As Athena walked through the door, she didn't expect to be met face first with James' back.

"Uhh.. Uncle James?" Athena questioning tone was heard, though no reply. She moved her head to see on why the man had stopped. However, once she did, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

There, a very familiar face stood, also shocked upon seeing the Potter.

James Potter and Pietro Maximoff couldn't help but stare at each others faces, mouths opening agape as Athena's laughter could be heard in the background.

"Mate..." James started. "You're hot."

"Dude... So are you." Pietro replied, looking at his doppelganger.

Athena was now leaning her back against the wall, chest heaving up and down from her laugh, trying to hold Teddy securely in her arms. "I didn't expect that to be the first words you two say to each other!"

Breaking from the weird trance, James and Pietro look at Athena, who was trying to tone down her laughter.

Finally doing so, Athena picked herself up from the wall, dragging her bag to stand in front of the two identical men. "Okay... Uncle Prongs, meet Pietro. Pietro, meet James."

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